Hope you are all enjoying Spring...summer & the heat it brings is just around the corner!
I am a |
You Are a Pumpkin Latte |
![]() You look forward to every holiday, and you are nostalgic for good times after they're over. You appreciate the small things that make life special. You love little treats. You often look at the world with childlike wonder. There's so much to enjoy! |
You Are a Beret |
![]() You use fashion to express yourself. This is especially true of accessories. You are flamboyantly unique, and you pride yourself in having distinct style. You are willing to take fashion risks and laugh at yourself if they end up fashion crimes! |
You Are Original and Innovative |
![]() You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind. A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated. You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want. You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way! You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow. You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily. Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is. You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. |
Roasted Red Pepper Soup w/ Orange Cream
Saute shallots in oil for about 5 minutes, Add red peppers (w/ their liquid) & sugar & simmer for 2 minutes. Add broth & simmer for another 5 minutes. Puree the soup using either an immersion blender or in a countertop blender (allow to cool slightly if using a countertop model). Bring soup to a simmer again & add OJ, season w/ salt & pepper. Whisk whipping cream & zest until thickened. Ladle soup into bowls & drizzle w/ orange cream. Sprinkle w/ basil.
I'm embarrassed that my egg salad "flowers" are so sloppy! :o( I used gel food coloring to paint on the centers & even though I did it hours ahead of time, the bread didn't get soggy so that went well.And I discovered that Caralyn loves egg salad...although that may have been because she helped me fix it. Kids always like food better when they've had a hand in making it.
She so enjoyed her tea. I should have known she'd like the whole fou-fou'ness.
I see many, many more tea parties in our future! ;o)
I hope you enjoyed seeing this old post....I knwo I sure enjoyed the memories! Now run over to Barb's to enjoy some tea & some wonderful porches.
I didn't think there were would be enough cookie cake to feed all the guests & originally, was going to make cupcakes but when Connor let it be known that he wanted hamburgers to be served, I found this adorable "french fries" cake on parenting.com. It didn't really fool anybody as the "ketchup" wasn't red enough (my Wilton food coloring gel dried out so I had to use the liquid) but everyone loved it. Isn't it cute? I actually made 2 baskets of "fries".
French Fries Birthday Cake
1 (8-inch) round cake
1 can (16 oz) vanilla frosting
Red food coloring
1 frozen pound cake (12 oz), thawed
What you'll need:
A bread knife
A sheet pan
A wax-paper-lined basket, bowl, or plate
1 resealable sandwich-size plastic bag (Ziploc)
1 mini-paper cupcake liner
For the base of the cake:
Using the bread knife, trim the 8-inch cake to fit into a wax-paper–lined basket, bowl, or plate.
Set aside 3 Tbsp of the vanilla frosting in a small bowl. Spread the remaining vanilla frosting over the trimmed cake to cover completely.
For the french fries:
Preheat broiler. Trim the darker crusts of the cake away with a bread knife. Cut the pound cake crosswise into ½-inch slices. Cut each slice into ½-inch-thick sticks. Spread the pound-cake sticks in a single layer on a sheet pan. Place under the broiler for 15 to 30 seconds until the tops are lightly toasted and golden brown. (Watch the pound cake carefully -- it burns easily. Turn the pound-cake sticks and repeat on each side until they are lightly toasted all over. Arrange the pound-cake sticks on top of the frosted cake to resemble french fries.
For the ketchup:
Add red food coloring to the reserved 3 Tbsp of vanilla frosting to tint it the color of ketchup ( I added a bit of flavored coffee creamer to add flavor & thin it out some so that the french fries wouldn't break when dipped). Spoon the red frosting into a resealable plastic bag. Place the mini–paper cupcake liner on top of the "french fries." Snip a small corner from the bag with the red frosting. Pipe the red frosting into the paper liner.
Now I'm off to Gollum's to see all the other food & I'm bringing an appetite...won't you come w/ me?
What an extravagant costume...it's soo beautiful!
I'll share pic of the kids after my Mom sends me the ones off her camera & I can choose the best ones from her camera & my camera but in the meantime, here's a shot of Cutie Rudy. He is fitting so well into our family....it's almost as if he has almost been here. I loved Gizzy very, very much but when I got him it was pre-grandkids. My daughter didn't live at home anymore & my boys were teenagers & were rarely home. Gizzy was my "baby" & everything focused around him.....& his world around me. He never got over that & suffered from separation anxiety terribly. The only time he was interested in anyone else was if I wasn't there. I will never do that to another dog! My goal w/ Rudy is for him to greet everybody w/ the same love & affection that he greets me.
I read a book recently about socializing a puppy & it said to expose them to 100 different situations & people w/in 100 days. Most of the suggestions on teh list (toddlers, skateboarding, kids riding a bike, old people, teenagers, kids bouncing a ball, person w/ umbrella, person w/ hat, little girl, baby, baby in stroller, person carrying baby, etc) he was exposed to w/in the first week! He has no choice but to be socialized! *grins* And my arms are often filled w/ a grandkid (or 2!) so there is no danger of me carrying him around all the time. He's just as taken w/ hubby (& vice versa) as he is w/ me!