Thursday, June 24, 2010
Cowgirls rule!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Paper Cowgirl swap spoilers...
I have a different take on creating for swaps than some. I don't let the personal taste of the recipient dictate the overall look & feel of my creation. And I don't want them to try to mold their style into mine for my gifts either. Call me arrogant but I feel that I can create something myself to suit me & my own personal taste. When swapping, I want the swap I receive, to reflect their style, taste & creativity.... I think the gifts carry more memories, meaning & significance that way. Hopefully my swap partners feel the same way. And if not, maybe they'll be understanding about it. LOL
I had already signed up for the 16 blossoms swap & the 21 ATCs swap when the "I'm a Rodeo Queen Sash" swap was announced. Even though I already had a full plate, I couldn't resist signing up. I'm sooo glad I did...I had soo much fun creating the sash. I love it & hope my pardner does as well.
I cannot tell you how badly I have mannequin envy. You all have vintage (or at least vintage look-alikes) & mine is wire, ugly & hard to decorate. *sigh* But hey, I have a wonderful collection of amateur rose paintings! ;o) You can see more of them in this post.
I backed a satin scarf (was the perfect length & width...lucky!) w/ a wide piece of lace ribbon to help add weight & body, then layered a lace scrap & glittered DREAM letters.
I made a mini-mum-like decoration where it joins at the hip. Most true rodeo queens wear their sashes tucked into their pants though & let their HUGE trophy belt buckles be the star. Little known fact.... I was on the rodeo team in high school. But I was a hippie chick who just happened to love horses so I didn't fit in very well. I wish I had a copy of the picture of our group in the yearbook. Everybody's all decked out in down vests, big buckles, cowboy boots & hats & there I am in a mini-skirt & go-go boots. LOL

Friday, June 18, 2010
Where I create....
I'm so happy I could play along today. I wasn't able to attend last year's party as my studio was beyond a mess....it was a disaster! I started re-doing my studio in May of '08...I was using all flea market furniture & everything needed a coat of white paint. But I was keeping the grands full time that summer & it was slow-going. Then my son had his accident in July of '08 & it was a whole year before I could even think about my studio (his accident is explained in my profile). Anyway, by then, bags were piled up on top of other bags (a whole year's worth!) & the task was overwhelming. So I let another six months slip by before I tackled the project again. But this winter, I was determined to have my dream studio & began again. It's been a tough year though & I had a hard time meeting the deadline for today's party. But meet the deadline I did! Just barely!!! I do still have a few things to paint (although nothing major except a bow-front cabinet..mostly just jewelry boxes & the like) but I'm not gonna let that stop me from playing along today.
Anyway, I am very pleased & proud to welcome you into my studio. I just love it! This is the view as you walk in the door. I can't provide you w/ a panoramic view but I am gonna try to swing you around the room so you can see it as well as possible.
What are you waiting for? Come on in!
As you can see, my work table is very, very large. It's an old drop-leaf that I've had for at least 10 years. Fully extended it's 12 feet long but it also has 3 removable leaves in it so when it's broke down & all the leaves are removed & lowered, it's only about 2 feet by 4 feet. I kept it on my front porch for years before I had the idea to use it in my studio. You'll see more of it later in the post.
Thsi inspiration board (it's just to the left of my work table) was one of my most recent projects. I am soo happy w/ it! I took an old frame I've had forever, painted it white, backed it w/ a board I decoupaged w/ sheet music & had hubby staple chicken wire on top. It has mementos, vintage flash cards & assorted doo-dads on it. And more treasures on the shelves underneath. I painted the shelves too. I painted nearly everything in the room, in fact. So that's one of the many excuses I have as to why it took me 2 years to finish the room.

Thsi mosaic topped shelf is actually a wine rack. It still needs to be converted to a bookcase...for now it holds magazines & Somersets.

Back to the studio...love this little curio. I plan on backing it w/ wallpaper but haven't gotten around to it yet. It was cheap, gold plastic before I painted it but it was only $5. I got my money's worth, huh?

Do the doll parts creep you out too? They kinda speak to me & I like that. Wonder what that says about me. ;o)