Anyway, for today's show n tell, I wanted to share what I transformed one into.... a haunted house diorama on a glittered cake pedestal! First I started w/ a melanine plate, glued it to a glass candlestick, sprayed it w/ spray adhesive & glittered it generously w/ MS's glitter (I used white gold), then sprayed it w/ polyurethane to keep it from shedding glitter. LOVE this pedestal! I'll use it for all seasons but never for food, of course. I also bleached, then dyed black, some bottle brush trees using Rit fabric dye.
Then on to the house make-over..... I gave it a shot of black paint & papered it's roof w/ toile paper scraps...adding a sparkly "wreath" over the front door (it's actually a vintage rhinestone button) & some black pompom trim.
Then I made a ghost out of playdoh & tissue paper...glittering it up just a bit w/ opalescent glitter.
Hung a rising moon.

I LOVE it! It may be my favorite Halloween creation yet! It falls right in w/ the spooky-chic theme I've got going this year. And I bought several packages of the houses, so I'll be doing them up for Christmas & Easter too...maybe I'll even make a little "love nest" for Valentine's. ;o)

I also completed a project I've been planning on for 2 years (I told y'all I've completed all the projects on my "wish to do" list & then some, I've been on a roll!) ...... a tassel made out of a tiny, glass jack 'o lantern ornament. Sorry for the bad's been raining here again. :o( I'm so glad I had the foresight to snap shots of my diorama when the light was good.

I'm really happy w/ my choice of ribbons but I wish that I had looped the ones underneath. I didn't even think of it until after I was finished (it's my first tassel). Guess I'll have to make another one. ;o) But it'll have to wait til next year cause STICK A FORK IN ME, I'M DONE w/ this year's projects.
Oh yeah, I glued a wine cork, on to the bottom of the ornament, to provide a base to glue the ribbons on to.
Stop by Cindy's to see the beautiful teacup she is sharing today & to get all the links for the other participants. Have a frightfully good weekend everybody!