Dustin has always been my problem child (this won't come as a surprise to him *grins*) & my pregnancy w/ him was no exception. I was diagnosed w/ full placenta previa about 4 mos into the pregnancy & was confined to bed rest. Then I was hospitalized a full 6 weeks before his scheduled c-section. Much of that time, I was unable to even get up & use the toilet! I honestly nearly went crazy! I was unable to see my older 2 children (back then little kids were not allowed in the rooms) except on Christmas day when I insisted upon being wheeled down to the waiting room in a wheelchair. I was so bored & so lonely, as everybody still had jobs they had to go to & I missed my kids so much.
But it was all worth it! Dustin was born healthy, beautiful & incredibly smart & advanced. He was pulling himself up onto furniture & standing up before he was 5 mos old! People think I am lying but so help me, it's true! He could ride a bike @ 3...w/ no training wheels because he took them off himself! It was so comical to see that tiny, little boy riding a bike & jumping ramps. He was like a circus act...the neighbors used to stand in the street to watch!
This is a picture of he & I shortly after he was born. Look at how he is practically sitting up on his own & he wasn't more than a couple mos old.

Here he is w/ his dad & nephew, Connor @ about age 19.
And Beav, you'd be the best little sister a girl could ask for if you weren't so beautiful! I mean seriously, you're annoying enough. I love you Sis....Happy Birthday!

I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year! Hubby & I were right...we never saw another New Year's party. We're back to celebrating Dustin's birthday on a different day (he & I will do lunch though) but hubby & I are farrr too old to want to brave the public on New Year's Eve. We'll do dinner & a table instead. ;o)
May the coming year bring each one of you blessings!