& to commemorate that, I want to share my collection of vintage religious prints. I have shared my "Stairway to Heaven" on my blog before but it was a couple of years ago so I thought I'd post it again, for those of you who haven't seen it.

I hang all of my collection on one huge stairway wall, from the baseboards to the ceiling! I can't get it all in one picture so this is from the bottom of the stairs looking up.

This shot is from the top of the stairs, looking down. The stairway is in a dark part of the house so you'll have to forgive the bad lighting. I did the best I could!

Many in my collection are by the artist C. Bosseron Chambers. He was the foremost religious artist of the 20th century...LOVE his work! Most have a trademark "halo" that makes his work easily identifiable, even if it is not signed. This one is of a young Mother Mary...doesn't she look like Drew Barrymore as a girl?

This is another C. Bosseron Chamber & is of a more mature Mother Mary.

Another Chambers....this one is St Anthony.

"I will bless every house in which an image of my Sacred Heart shall be exposed & honored".

Love this pair of praying children!

And this guardian angel print!

A beautifully hued print of St Therese.

Another Chambers...this one is of a young St Paul.

And yet another Chambers...this one is St Therese.

Another work of C. Bosseron Chambers...this one is of a young Jesus & Mother Mary. (told y'all I was a big fan of his work!)

Forget each kindness that you do, as soon as you have done it.
Forget the praise that falls to you the moment you have won it.
Forget the slander that you hear before you can repeat it.
Forget each slight, each spite, each sneer, wherever you may meet it.
Remember every kindness done to you, whatever its measure.
Remember praise by others won and pass it on with pleasure.
Remember every promise made and keep it to the letter.
Remember those who lend you aid and be a grateful debtor.
Remember all the happiness that comes your way in living.
Forget each worry and distress, be hopeful and forgiving.
Remember good, remember truth, remember heaven's above you.
And you'll find, through age and youth, that many hearts will love you.

I did have a partner print to this next one; it was of The Last Supper & was also in a rococco frame w/ bubble glass...it fell off the wall & broke. I was so upset about it, that I am ashamed to say, that I used the Lord's name in vain when I discovered it. *blushes* But it was years ago & was the very last time I've done so.

Inside the birdcage is a tiny little print.

The Garden of Gethsemane.

Another beautifully tinted print...this one is of the Holy family.

LOVE this print of St John & a lamb!

but my favorite in my collection, will always be C. Bosseron Chambers' most famous work. It's of Baby Jesus & is titled Light of the World. My grandmother had a copy of this hanging in her bedroom. It was the first of my collection & will always be my most treasured.

I'm linking up to
Debra's Vintage Inspiration blog party...be sure & check out all the other vintage inspiration!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Good Friday! I'm keeping Noah today...we're practicing finding eggs so that he can compete w/ his older cousins on Easter Sunday. ;)
What a cool wall!
Hi Cami, I'm so glad you shared this. Believe it or not, you got me started collecting Chambers pieces. You showed your collection last year sometime and since then, I've found a few pieces, and I just adore his profound work. Thanks for linking this wonderful post with VIF! Have a blessed Easter,
Beautiful collection. I recognize a lot of your prints but I didn't know the artist- my favorite is the last one, too.
Beautiful! ~ Angela
How beautiful -- I have never noticed the Chambers works but now I'm going to be looking for them. Yours are gorgeous, I can see why you love them so much!
What a beautiful collection and nicely displayed. Have a great Easter. Hugs Mary
Cami, Happy Easter!!! And thank you for sharing your wonderful & beautiful post with us. I LOVE that wall of amazing prints. My grnadmother had The Garden of Gethsemane & seeing it brought such sweet memories rushing back. I wonder what happened to that picture? Thank you again & may you be blessed by these sweet images. I miss you. Charlene
HI Cami,
First time visitor to your blog...love your collection and how you have displayed it on your staurway wall. My sister collects Mexican religious art and she has done a similar wall...thought you might like to see it...it's an older post on my blog (Dec. 10, 2010). Have a very Happy Easter...your newest Follower,
hello from another huge Chambers fan. I was googling Chambers, actually, looking for more of his work for sale. and the picture of your St. Therese came up, so here I am. I grew up with Light of the World on my bedroom wall, and now my daughter has one in her bedroom. I love all his Catholic work, and have several. The one where you said a more mature Mary I have been looking for. I think it is titled. Our Lady of the the sacred cost, and since you are a Chambers fan, I'm sure you know the original is in St. Ignatius Church in Chgo. God bless, and happy Easter !
What a lovely collection, Cami! I hadn't seen this wall of yours before so I'm glad you shared it with us again! Stunning!!
You are so right ~ that little girl does look like Drew!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Cami I found you via Debra@Common Ground. Im in love with your wall more than I am mine. I have an Old World style dining room and it's filled with my religious relics and my collection of crosses displayed on the wall. I wish I had as much space as you do. Just beautiful!
I hope you will come by my blog and check out my dining room.
Im now following you too!
Lucky 7 Design
I am not believing how many of the same religious prints that we share. I love the way that you have displayed all of yours. I have many of the same Chambers pieces...I guess we must think and feel the same...these pictures calm me when I am anxious and speak to me in HIS image, Blessings, Tiff...Please visit me and enter the Mother's Day Giveaway. Tiff, I am your newest follower.
Yours is a beautiful collection and beautifully displayed. I'll have to be on the look out for Chambers work, thanks for sharing.
I just dropped in from Common Ground and absolutely LOVE your religious wall! I have a small collection going on, but yours is so inspiring! Thanks for sharing that. Now I'm off to cruise the rest of your blog. Would love to have you visit me sometime, too.
Hi! Was wondering where you find most of your Chambers prints? I "discovered" him a few years back when my husband wanted to hang a picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am a firm believer that you should not display things in your home that dont inspire you. I searched and searched for a Sacred Heart print that I liked (they all seemed either ugly or made Jesus look girly) and fell in love with the Bosseron print that now hangs in my home. I originally bought it on ebay, but they seem hard to find!
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