a lot of them actually! ;) I know Valentine's is past (even I've taken them down & put them away!) but I wanted to share a few projects w/ y'all.
This is my first solo-collage. I've done them before in tuts & workshops but this wood heart is the first piece I've done completely on my own. I'm very thankful for tips that I have learned.... like don't glue anything down until you're sure you're happy w/ it. I thought about it & messed w/ it for 2 days. Yep...2 days! And I thought I couldn't be happier w/ it but now that it's done, I think it could still use somethin' somethin'. Some more layers of papers as a base probably. But hubby says he likes it the way it is...what do you think? Anyhow, I really struggled w/ the design...had no clue where I was going or what I was using except that I wanted to make over a thrift store wooden heart. A very dated,
very country'ish wood heart. Think mauve & blue w/ "Welcome Friends" stenciled on it. ;)
It's funny how the ideas are stepping stones for the eventual design, isn't it? The first thing I thought of; was to use a small frame, then I popped a frozen charlotte inside the frame & fell in love with it.
(click on any picture & then click again to enlarge for details)
But while on a search for an appropriate Valentine's poem in one of those old Ideals publications, I came across one entitled Lifetime Valentines & knew that I needed to put a picture of hubby & I in the frame so out w/ the charlotte idea.

I chose a favored photo of hubby & I, taken year before last on my birthday, & printed it out in greyscale.

I really struggled w/ the pointy bottom of the heart & what to put there...tried a blossom, lace scrap, chandelier prism etc but then I thought of the rhinestone buckle (a recent find from the cattle barns flea)...a strip of tea-dyed velvet ribbon & wallla!

This next project was a direct copy from the Red Shed Antiques blog. *blushes* But I fell in love w/ the cupid's arrow they shared & had to have one...how sweet!

My little Love Fairy....(image of charlotte doll can be found

This tag was inspired by a tag in my inspiration files but it's been in there for years & I don't remember who to give credit for it....sorry!

before you go, I'd like to share a few of the hearts that were hanging around my house. This little vignette is in a candy dish under an old, brass & copper magnifying glass that I got while thrifting (for under $5!) The grands love this display & are always eager to see if it's changed & what it contains.

A tiny perfume bottle & rhinestone heart pin, under glass.

This was hubby's father's Valentine from when he was a boy. It's dated 1945.

LOVE this vintage Valentine's card! Wish the glitter, it's covered in, showed.

Vignette inside an apothecary jar.

I am constantly asked how I can keep so much stuff around all the grands. I've had at least one grandbaby or toddler around for the past 12 years, yet I haven't baby'fied any of my house. They just don't mess w/ anything they're not supposed to. None of them (even Coleson AKA Mr Grabby) ever have. I know! I can't believe it either!!!! *grins*

LOVE this hand painted milk glass heart dish!
I'm in the midst of painting a bow-front china cabinet for my studio so I haven't started on Easter decor. I'm not even pulling the bins out of storage until my studio is all clean & organized. Good thing Easter comes late this year!
Hope you're all doing well. I'm still having mega-puter issues (as those of you who are on email list are aware) & only log on when I have to so I'm missing visiting w/ you all. I'll come by & see you when I can.