Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Happy Birthday to me!
We're starting the B-day off w/ bloody marys out @ the cattle barns flea & we'll follow it up w/ a trip to the craft store & then dinner @ my favorite place, Lucille's Bistro in Ft Worth. It's in a historic building from the late 1800's ( think it was a hardware store) w/ wonderful crown mouldings & w/ tin ceiling tiles....charming! After dinner, we'll cruise around looking @ Christmas lights. I just love birthdays....especially my own! LOL
Today I wanted to share a couple of tags I made. A couple are loosely based on tags made by the 2 gypsy girls @ One Lucky Day, for their advent calendar (I missed out on their kits) & a couple are almost out-right copies. They're providing free tuts for some tags so head on over & check them out!
Love the lace wrapped, & bead adorned stick in this next one...love it!
I used another resin bobble for this tag. I'll share more bobbles (I had so much fun making them!) & provide a link to Lisa's tut for them sometime soon, I promise.

Saturday, December 18, 2010
My stocking to Steph & Day 18 boxes...

I am done, done, done, done, done with my shopping! WooHoo!!!! Maybe now I can get some crafting in. I'm not one of those crafters who craft ahead of the season, I like to do it in the throes of the festivities. Which means that I never have as much time but always realllly enjoy it when I do. ;)
Friday, December 17, 2010
Day 17 boxes...
Inside was a beautiful pearl bar pin. Thank you Genie...I love it!

Thursday, December 16, 2010
A special necklace & Day 16 matchbox...

I loved creating this necklace & had it together in less than 45 minutes (and that's counting the time it took to gather all the materials). I didn't like stringing beads in my first foray into jewelry making but this was just attaching jump rings...even I can do that! LOVE it!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
A dance recital & boxes 13, 14 & 15...
Here she is in her dance outfit & holding her bouquet. They tap-danced to Frosty the Snowman...wish I could share the video but it's too long for blogger. But she did just great...I was soo proud of her! I look forward to watching her dance & dance & dance over the years! All grandkids are great but there's just something special about a girl, you know? ;)

And inside is a tiny gold bell. Thank you Kim!

With a beautiful beaded felt poinsettia inside...thank you Sherry!

Sunday, December 12, 2010
My ticky-tacky vintage wreath & Day 12 box...
Which explains how I wound up w/ tons & tons of vintage, tacky, UGLY Christmas "doodads". Last year, I decided to take all that
The "centerpiece" of the wreath is a beaded, felt Santa in a hot air balloon that I bought at an estate sale a couple of years back. And look! There's still room to add more tacky, ugly, vintage stuff that needs a home!
The wreath w/ our life-size caroling Santa. Until I saw this photo, I didn't think the door needed garland over & around it but now I'm not so sure. What do y'all think?

Saturday, December 11, 2010
My Vintage Stocking has arrived!
She adorned the stocking w/a red doily that she wove lace through & then added a tulle ruffle. Very clever!

And she included a fabulous beaded egg. My grandmother used to make beaded ornaments. Maybe I should take up the craft?