Tuesday was the 1st anniversary of the day my son, Clifton was released from the hospital. That was such a happy, happy day! Most of my readers know that he was badly burned, w/ full thickness burns (3rd & 4th degree) over 43% of his body on July 3rd of last year. He's 6'6" so that's a whole lotta burns! It was a long, arduous 6 week long stay in the hospital (for both of us....I "lived" in his room w/ him as soon as he was released from ICU) & even after his release, Clifton was unable to do anything for himself... not dress himself, feed himself, sit up, toilet himself or even scratch his own nose. He required the same care as he did when he was an infant. Plus he had no insurance so his wound care was left up to hubby & I & the responsibility was terrifying!!! He had some burns so deep that I could stick my finger in up to my knuckle...I'm no nurse & get queasy at the sight of blood...how was I to be expected to cope w/ injuries as severe as his?
But cope we did, hubby & I. Together we cared for Clifton, bathed him & changed his dressings daily (don't get me wrong, Stacie helped out as much as she could but she was 8 mos pregnant w/ their first child & still working full-time)... and we did a fine job of caring for our boy, he had no post-release complications! I have never been more thankful to have the husband that I do, than I was @ that time. I am so lucky to have a partner to help shoulder all life's burdens... whether they be picking up the grands @ day care, caring for our injured son or cooking up a family meal, Chris helps me w/ it all & I am very fortunate.
But if you had asked me then what life would be like one year later (& if I had been truly honest), my answer would have been pretty pessimistic. The Dr's certainly didn't give us much reason to be optimistic...they said that Clifton would still require my care, that he would be "disfigured & disabled" (their words still ring through my head). If you had told me then, that just one year later, Clifton would have full mobility in all his limbs, that he would have put in an engine in his truck by himself, that he would be Mr Mom to his baby Noah, that he would be playing semi-pro football again,
that he would look this damn good, I'd have said "Talk about some wishful thinking!"

It took a bit more than wishful thinking! It took the powerful prayers of people all across the world, most who didn't even know Clifton. It took the determination & fortitude of an amazing man. It took the love & support of an entire family. And it took the inspiration provided by this little guy here.
I am truly, truly blessed & for that, I thank God.