But cope we did, hubby & I. Together we cared for Clifton, bathed him & changed his dressings daily (don't get me wrong, Stacie helped out as much as she could but she was 8 mos pregnant w/ their first child & still working full-time)... and we did a fine job of caring for our boy, he had no post-release complications! I have never been more thankful to have the husband that I do, than I was @ that time. I am so lucky to have a partner to help shoulder all life's burdens... whether they be picking up the grands @ day care, caring for our injured son or cooking up a family meal, Chris helps me w/ it all & I am very fortunate.
But if you had asked me then what life would be like one year later (& if I had been truly honest), my answer would have been pretty pessimistic. The Dr's certainly didn't give us much reason to be optimistic...they said that Clifton would still require my care, that he would be "disfigured & disabled" (their words still ring through my head). If you had told me then, that just one year later, Clifton would have full mobility in all his limbs, that he would have put in an engine in his truck by himself, that he would be Mr Mom to his baby Noah, that he would be playing semi-pro football again, that he would look this damn good, I'd have said "Talk about some wishful thinking!"

It took a bit more than wishful thinking! It took the powerful prayers of people all across the world, most who didn't even know Clifton. It took the determination & fortitude of an amazing man. It took the love & support of an entire family. And it took the inspiration provided by this little guy here.
I am truly, truly blessed & for that, I thank God.
So happy to see him looking so happy and thrilled for you to be able to enjoy it! I am sure they both appreciate everything you did to help them out at that time! Always a mama!!
Your family looks very happy. Your son is blessed to have you as caring parents.
Bl and you blessings to you and your family.I consider you a angel,What a lucky family to have you.Have a bright day.Thank-you for taking the time to visit my blog.Oh.. and always Fun Finds 2 U..Chickie
Cami I can't believe it's been a year. Your son has come so far and is such a strong person, as are you.
He's gorgeous, sugar, th' man I mean......little guy is also, but you know what I mean. You are an amazing mom and I truly understand what you went through as we went through our son being beaten by 5 gang members in California while trying to save a young woman on April 4th of this year. He is still suffering the effects but he is truly an amazing man and I'm proud to call him my son. Your son is also amazing as are you, chick! Bless your sweet BIG heart.........
What an amazing testimony and it brings tears to my eyes. Many blessings indeed!
AMEN!! What a blessed anniversary!
Hi Cami, thank you for stopping by mt blog. I just had to come and see who you were. After reading your sons story, I would say, that sure was some mothering you gave him in the hospital that 6 weeks.
I believe in mericals.
Beautiful family, Cami. All have been blessed who know you.
Thank you so much for sharing about your son in this post. He truly is a testimony to God's grace in our lives. It is amazing how life is, one year later. Bless you, as parents, for being there for your son when he really needed you.
Cami this is wonderful news!
God is good.
Blessings to you this weekend my friend, ~Melissa :)
Tears of happiness are ready to drip from my eyes.
This is truly inspirational, Cami. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Sheila :-)
Hi Cami! God is so good. I'm thrilled that He has blessed your sweet family. Your son looks amazingly well, due in large part to his angel of a mother, I'm sure!
Thanks for stopping by my blog ~ you are entered in my giveaway ~ good luck!
Big Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Has it really been a year? He looks great, and how amazing that he is able to play football when the drs. didn't give him much chance to even be able to walk! He's been on my prayer list, and I love seeing the proof of prayers at work. That little grandson is precious! laurie
Prayer is a wonderful thing! He and his lovely family look wonderful and happy. Such a wonderful thing!
yapping cat
Oh Cami,
God is so good...I am so glad that your son recovered and is doing so well. Thanks for sharing this.
You have such a Beautiful family too! God Bless you all!
Isn't God GOOD! thanks for stopping by and commenting!!! yep, we are two blessed momma's.
Lee@ Inspired Comblogulations
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