Clifton has no health insurance but because of generous donations from friends, family, customers & even complete strangers, he has a substantial account to pay for his rehab & therapy sessions. Hopefully medicaid will cover his hospital bill, which is in excess of $1,000,000.
He is doing miraculously well. It's hard, painful work for him & it must be done daily to avoid contracture & loss of mobility but he's determined & he has great inspiration in his new son. Noah Christopher was born on Sept 18th, one month to the day from when Clifton was released from the hospital. We prayed so hard that Clifton would be able to attend the birth of his first child & that was just one of many prayers, that God has answered. Noah has been just the spirit-lifter my family needed! Clifton's accident has had a profound impact on my whole family's lives & at times, we were filled w/ despair & concern. But Noah's birth & Clifton's rapid progress (rapid as far as burn injuries go...he still has a long, hard fight ahead of him to be able to do all that he used to) has brought hope, optimism & confidence in Clifton's future.
I wanted to share a slideshow of Clifton that my daughter put together. He is, bar none, the finest, bravest man I have ever known & I can't tell you how proud I am to be his mother.
I also wanted to share a funny story that happened the day Clifton was let out of ICU & was allowed ice chips for the first time in almost a month (fluids, especially water, are no-nos for burn patients). I had given him a couple of spoonfuls of ice chips & was filled w/ such happiness, watching him enjoy a simple pleasure that we all take for granted & it prompted me to ask, "Can I tell you something?"
I go on to say, "Son, you are the finest man I have ever known....I am sooo very proud of you!" to which Clifton replies, "can I tell you something?" My eyes fill w/ tears, in expectation of the warm, fuzzy moment we are about to share & I lean forward in anticipation. Clifton looks up at me & says "I want some more ice chips." *grins* So much for the warm fuzzies!
Clifton's face was burned & they thought he would need a graft on his cheek but it wasn't necessary after all, thank God. His face will show only minimal scarring, mostly under his chin. It wouldn't even be too visible to people if he weren't 6'6"!
I took this picture right after Noah's birth. I can't see it w/out tearing up & thanking God for my blessings.

Clifton has moved back to his & Stacie's home now & I only drive him to therapy 2 days a week & soon I won't even need to do that, so I am eager to get back to some normalcy & hopefully, a return to blogging, cooking, decorating, spending time w/ the life.
Yay!! So glad to see you back! :D I loved your post, especially the slide show. Very moving. I'm so glad he's doig SO well. Hope to hear more from you soon!
So good to have Clifton recovering, Noah safely here and you "back". Your family story is amazing and you are the glue dear lady. You were so missed and I am so proud of you.
I'm so happy to see you back Vinty! You, Clifton, and your family have an inspirational story to share--and thank you for sharing.
So sorry to read about what happened to your son, and glad to hear he's better. Congrats on being a nana!
Vinty, I am so glad you are back. I'm also so very happy that Clifton is doing so well.
wow, what a story. I'm so glad Clifton is doing so good. God bless you all!
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