Thursday, October 22, 2009

It's All About Me!

Hi y'all! Natasha @ Artistic Creations challenged us to create something special for It's All About Me! swap. I'm stepping outside the box a bit & sharing not just creations but an event. An event that I did just for me!!! I've been doing a lot for me lately...not for "Honey" (my grandparent name) not for "Chris' wife" not for "Shilah, Clifton & Dustin's mother" but for me, "Cami".

I LOVE my role as a grandmother, wife & mother but I recently discovered that I've lost my identity outside of that. That my daughter's boyfriend, (who she has dated for almost a year & who is only 10 years younger than me & whom I have been around on many, many, many occasions) didn't even know my first him, I'm just "Honey". Now being "Honey" is a fantastic thing, don't get me wrong, but I like being "Cami" too. ;o) So I've been on a journey to being her again & I'd like to share a part of that w/ you.

Like I said, the past couple of months, I've really been working hard @ creating Cami & I have indulged my whimsies & desires to create. So much so, that we couldn't eat at our dining room table for 2 weeks! LOL I had a really hard time, deciding what to share for this party...I created many things in teh past few weeks. I signed up for Heather's It's a Beautiful Life journal workshop & thought I'd share the journal but no (it's not finsihed yet anyway!), I've joined an art group, taken a couple of classes, signed up for a couple more & made lots of really neat stuff (you can see some in previous posts) but the best thing I did for myself was to attend Paper Cowgirls, an art retreat held here in Texas.

I created some beautiful things & I'll share them later but that's not what it was about. It was about this...the smiles, the comraderie, the inspiration, the newly found friendships!

And this! The creating...look how intense I am about it.

I love everything I made & learned some wonderful new techniques. This is the fabric cuff I made....(it's still in it's unfinished stage here)

And my crown...oh, how I LOVE my crown! It's outrageously over the top fou-fou & it is divine!

I also "painted" this cute cupcake painting. It's actually mostly paper scraps, layered w/ paint & technique!

I treasure my art that I created that day but I'll treasure the memories that I carry & the friendships that were formed, even more.

You can read more about my day @ Camp Whimsy, here in this post. I highly encourage y'all to sign up for an art retreat (they're springing up all over the's not just Silver Bella anymore ;o) ) & hang out w/ people who get that for yourselves!


  1. Hey ya GF!! Good to "see" you again!!

  2. Gorgeous crown indeed! You know another Paper Cowgirl retreat is coming up in June! See ya Saturday ~ Angela

  3. ~Beautiful photos Cami!

    Many Blessings and Happy Fall! ~Melissa :)

  4. It means the world to me when I get to go on an art retreat! They are just the best. Glad yours was too.

  5. Fabric cuffs are so fun aren't they? The crown you made is beautiful! It sounds like you had a great time creating at that retreat, and I know you will enjoy all the pretties you made for yourself :)

    Sue E.

  6. What neat things you've created, Cami! I really enjoyed seeing them all, and I'm so glad you are enjoying this creative outlet. I probably should do something like that, too, but I feel I am hopefully uncrafty. :-(



  7. Make that "hopelessly" uncrafty. LOL! The other made NO sense... much like my day today.

  8. Oh Cami,
    I love this post! I totally know where you were coming from with all that you said in your post. I feel the same way! I love the creations that you have created just for "You" too! You deserve it! That precious!! I want one! The art retreat sounds like such fun too and meeting people that have the same interests must have felt wonderful too!
    Big Hugs,

  9. Looks like you had a lot of fun! Love the crown! Every princess should have one!

  10. Cami, i love all the goodies you created at paper favorite is your gorgeous is stunning!!!

  11. Oh your creations are wonderful!! I am dying over that fab crown!!! And the cupcake painting is so cute!! You are super talented :)

  12. Hi, Cami! Glad you were able to go to the art retreat! I've never been to one. Looks like you made some fun stuff! I like the cupcake best! ♥

  13. Hi Cami,I have been so busy visiting all the ladies that joined in with Natasha. Your crown is just beautiful well done on making something for you. I really loved making my little dolly just for me! have a beautiful day Lisa

  14. Ok, really, that is THE cutest picture of you working away! I'm super stoked that you're doing this journey down "artistic creation lane" JUST FOR YOU! Feed that soul, girl :)

  15. I love your crown, it is gorgeous! An Art Retreat, what is more appropriate than that when taking time just for you and your creative muse.

  16. I love all these pieces! And it is so great that you took time for yourself to attend the Paper Cowgirls retreat!

  17. Too bad that those art retreats don't exist over here. This is a great way to rediscover your own identity Cami and btw you made some fab pieces too!
    Nice to meet you! I hope you have as much fun today as I do, visiting all participants!

  18. Love your crown! That sounds like such a fun thing to do, and how wonderful that you are making time to do things for yourself. Good advice for all of us. laurie

  19. Hello Cami,
    Way to go!!! Yes, it's all to easy to lose your identity when you are at service to everyone but yourself....been there, done that :0)

    I fixed that though and now I know my name again..hehe

    Thanks so much for sharing your lovlies from the workshop/retreat..they are all beautiful!

    If you haven't stopped by my place..please do!


  20. An event for yourself where you make things for YOU is the perfect idea!! I love the crown!!

    Sandy xox

  21. Crowns are one of the things I love to make and give to little girls, sugar! Yours is gorgeous though. WOW!!! Nice to meet you, sweetpea.

  22. I love your crown too! Nice to 'meet' another Texan. We're all over the place! You are very creative, and I'm glad I found myself on your blog!

  23. Hello Cami ~ I can relate with you about finding yourself! It is such a joy to see that you are doing just that, through creativity. Keep it up and I look forward to seeing more creations!

    Hugs ~ Nichole

  24. So much talent all rolled into one sweet gal...
    Just loved seeing all of your pretties!
    Hope you're enjoying the
    swap as much as I am!
    ~ blessings ~
    Thanks for stopping by for
    a visit, and entering to
    win one of my give~aways!

  25. I love what you said at the end of your post about hanging out with people who "get you". Yep, I think that's one of the BEST things we can do for ourselves! Your crown was gorgeous, and looked like so much fun!

  26. oh WOW Cami! GOod for you for going and enjoying an event and being "Cami", not just "honey"! I love what you created, the cuff and cupcake painting are fab ~ and that crown, oh my~!!!! Thanks so much for joining in and sharing your lovely story!

  27. Your cuff, crown and cupcake painting are exquisite!! And moreover, they're gorgeous memories of a happy day!!
    Merci beaucoup for your comment on my blog!! You made my day!
    Have a terrific weekend,

  28. Oh, what fun. I love the way you treated yourself. So much fun. Love all your creations. The crown is fabulous. Enjoy

  29. Good for you!! I've never been to an art retreat but it certainly sounds like fun and you made some beautiful creations!

  30. This is a truly unique post - making new friends through art and creativity as a gift for yourself. I love this idea!
    Fabulous work and I love the crown!

  31. How about your being called Cami Honey!!! I love it! It has a gooood ring to it and makes a statement. "I'm fun, I'm me, & I'm lovin' it!!" Just introduce yourself as Cami Honey from now on and you will begin to believe it/so will everyone else!
    I would love to do a retreat sometime. I have forgotten how to laugh and just be a girl. Keep on keepin' on! You sounded like you had a ball and it just made me laugh out loud. I want a crown just like yours!!!!
    Abundant-Blessings to you,
    p.s. thank you so much for your sweet comment on my last post. It means so much to know someone "hears" us.

  32. Hi Cami!!! Good for you re-finding yourself, so easy for us women to loose ourselves to the many roles we have. Your creations are wonderful, I adore the crown! Happy travels on your rediscovery/creating journey!!! Rachael:)

  33. Cami, what a wonderful post! Everything you created is divine! That crown is something else! I love your cupcake painting . . . it's so fun and makes me happy just looking at it! LOL!!

    Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog and leaving your kind comments!

    Happy Creating, Cami!


  34. Cami, looks as though IT'S ALL ABOUT ME has really taken hold of ya!
    Congrats ! ! !!

  35. Ever notice that recreate (as in having fun) is also re-create?

    You are totally awesome to me, my friend.

  36. Paper Cowgirl looks like so much fun & such an amazing opportunity to meet up with other like minded ladies. I love your crown.

  37. I wish we had art workshops like that where I live! It's the perfect thing to do for yourself. Your crown is gorgeous, and the other projects are great!

  38. AMEN SISTER!!!! Love all your goodies from Paper Cowgirls. I would like to go to that sometime. Your crown is divine. Where did you put it? My favorite part of this post though was about your goal to "find Cami" & do things for her. Something so many of forget to do while we take care of the others in our life. So glad to have found you. It's funny how you & I had just started blogging with each other before we met the first time. FATE? Blessed I think! Have ag reat week.

  39. Love this post, it has taken me ages to get to read everyones blogs. Like you I had lost the 'me' I used to be. We get too busy doing things for everyone else and never ourselves.
    Great to hear you are having some 'me' time


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