Gosh, my poor blog has been so vacated that it seems to have developed an echo. LOL Bet y'all are surprised to see me, huh? Can't believe I haven't blogged in so long. No real reason as to why I haven't. I keep planning posts in my head & I've even taken pictures in anticipation of doing a post...but then I don't follow through. ??? I sometimes take a self-imposed exile from my blog but my recent, extended absence can't be attributed to that. I just haven't gotten around to it. I know, I know....it's been 6 months! But you have no idea what a procrastinator I can be! I've been planning this post for almost 2 months!!! *blushes* Anyway, good to be here again...let's see if I remember how to do it.
I'm sure most of y'all heard about Cassandra Van Curen's Handmade Christmas Ornament swap...some of you even participated. I want to share the ornaments I made & received from the swap. I was fortunate to be paired w/ some mega-talent..so many incredible ornaments! I put them all on this little white tree in my studio & although it was a Christmas swap, most of the ornaments were more wintry than Christmas'y so I've just now taken the ornaments down. So I'm not actually as tardy as I appear. ;)

She included this sweet tag too so I hung it on the tree also.

And this pretty little stocking.

Lot of crafty creativeness on that tree, huh? And even though I've taken these ornaments off & packed them away, there still is. Robin, Becky, Jeannie, Cassandra & I were all so thrilled w/ our ornaments that we agreed to do a Valentine ornament swap & my tree is currently bedecked w/ beautiful handmade hearts. And I participated in another Valentine ornament swap also...I promise I'll be back w/ pics of those before Valentine's!
I've enjoyed my little tree in my studio so much that I have decided that it will be up year-round. Wonder if the girls will be game for swapping through all seasons? We've already agreed to do a Spring swap so maybe so!