Friday, April 8, 2011

The Enchanted Tea Cottage....

I'm finally sharing pictures of the Tea Cottage we remodeled for Caralyn's birthday last August. Better late than never right? ;) Cute, huh? Look at the before!!!! We've had it for years but it was only being utilized as a giant toybox for the grands. So 2 weeks before Caralyn's birthday (back in August in 104 temps!) I decide that I'm gonna remodel it for Caralyn's 5th birthday. I promised you pics then but am just now following through....sorry! We ripped off the log cabin roof & added shingles, put in a new floor & painted it white.
I know I have a pic of Caralyn in her playhouse somewhere but I can't find it so I'll share one of my favorite pictures, of my beautiful Caralyn Camille.

OK, back to the tea cottage. This is the view as you look through the dutch door & as you can see, we painted the inside pink. But I didn't go w/ the more muted, subtle pink I did in my studio. Caralyn likes her pinks bold & strong! It's actually a brighter color in person than it appears in photos. It lights inside & out at night.

The tea set I gave her to use out here. The little boys enjoy this cottage also (Noah calls it "the baby house") but neither bother any of the breakables. They are only allowed to play w/ the babies & a plastic tea set I keep in there for them. And believe or not...they leave all the china alone.

Looking through the front window. The tea cottage is cute but is it ever tiny!!! Even when I can squeeze my big butt in, I can't stand up. ;)

It's full of ballerina stuff...this is a thrift store frame than I hung a tutu (actually intended to be an ornament) on.

Most of her tutus are in the house in her dance drawer but this one is just for play.

Even these boys love the tea cottage. LOL

Hope everyone has a great weekend. I've got crafting plans w/ the grands. Connor & I need to finish up some shadow box eggs we started over Spring Break & then all of us are going to make mini-Easter baskets for their mom. I'll share pics of their creations next week. As well as pics of my Easter decor. It's all up & I am very happy w/ it this year.


  1. So cute. They will have such wonderful memories. When I was little the man who my mom paid the house payment to had an old playhouse in his yard. His girls were long grown, but he always had it open for me to play in. I remember mostly the antique wall phone with the windup handle. Wish I had that phone today!!

  2. EEEEK! Love it! You are so amazing I secretly love you...(lol) even though you want to dump me in a Texas field! hehehe and they say New Yorkers are bad! hello! It is breathtakingingly beautiful as the little girl is. Thanks for sharing it. Hugs Grace OOOOOOOOOOO

  3. Oh Cami! What a cha cha grandma you are! I knew there was a reason I just love bein' around you! It was soooo worth waiting for these photos! You did a bang up job for that sweet little one you get to enjoy so often!!!

    just me...grinning...jan

  4. Well, the MOST adorable thing in this post is your precious granddaughter!! But the pups and that sweet lil cottage are pretty darn cute, too!! I wanna come play!

    Happy PS!!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  5. Cami, this is the most adorable little house any little girl could wish for, and ofcourse all in pink :)-my Mathilde would LOVE playing there ,too-
    Perfect dear Cami.
    Have a lovely week-end.

  6. Oh, I love this! What a precious and perfect spot for a little girl to dream and imagine. Wow! Awesome job.

  7. Wow how lucky she is, that little house is every little girl's dream! Every inch and detail is perfect !! love it :o) Sue

  8. Hi Cami. Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment. Yes I have been stalking you from time to time.LOL. Always enjoy my visit, especially if those cute little doggie faces pop up. Enjoy your weekend, and good luck.

  9. So perfectly adorable! And suzeeez is so right, this has been my dream "play house" since I was a wee little lassie! I love, love, love it! Play date?

  10. Cami, you have all created a marvelous wonderland for your grands and pups. Caralyn is beautiful and such a treasure. She and the boys must just love to visit your home. So glad you stopped by my speck o' the blogosphere today and left such a sweet compliment...made my day!


Howdy! Thanks for stopping by...please come again!