Sunday, December 19, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!

Today I am 50 years old! Gosh, I don't feel that old!!! I'm really looking forward to my 50's though. I spent my 20's taking care of the 3 very small children, spent my 30's trying to find myself (I somehow lost myself in my 20's in the mounds of laundry, snotty noses & school functions LOL) & I spent my 40's becoming the person I needed to be....the responsible, mature, rational person I always expected myself to be but never quite got there. Better late than never I guess! *grins* I plan on spending my 50's becoming the person I want to be. The artsy, stylish woman jaunting off to art retreats, taking creative workshops & trips w/ the girls & selling my know, a Karla. I still plan on maintaining my professional grandmother position though so it'll require some juggling cause I just don't seem to possess Karla's energy. ;)

We're starting the B-day off w/ bloody marys out @ the cattle barns flea & we'll follow it up w/ a trip to the craft store & then dinner @ my favorite place, Lucille's Bistro in Ft Worth. It's in a historic building from the late 1800's ( think it was a hardware store) w/ wonderful crown mouldings & w/ tin ceiling tiles....charming! After dinner, we'll cruise around looking @ Christmas lights. I just love birthdays....especially my own! LOL

Today I wanted to share a couple of tags I made. A couple are loosely based on tags made by the 2 gypsy girls @ One Lucky Day, for their advent calendar (I missed out on their kits) & a couple are almost out-right copies. They're providing free tuts for some tags so head on over & check them out!

Love the lace wrapped, & bead adorned stick in this next it!

I used another resin bobble for this tag. I'll share more bobbles (I had so much fun making them!) & provide a link to Lisa's tut for them sometime soon, I promise.

Today's Day 19 matchbox was crafted by Angela @ Down to the Darling Details. Love it's cheerful snowman!

And inside was another cheerful snowman! Thank you Angela!

I made a little "shadowbox" out of my Day 19 box.

Happy Birthday to's gonna be a fabulous decade!


  1. Cami, Ok, let's start at the beginning... HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope your day is magical! Next- oh my your tags are TO DIE FOR! I love the creams and each little detail is lovely! On to the necklace you made your sister-OMG-it's BE-U-TI-FUL! love love love! And last but not least, great matchboxes ;)

  2. Happy birthday! Have a wonderfully fun day. Adore your happy!!! ~ Angela

  3. haaaaaaappppppppppppyyyyyy Birthday, and I love love love your tags! how do you get the antique splatter on them (and they don't curl up??) Have a great day, sound GREAT!!!

  4. Dear Cami--HAPPY BIRTHDAY--seems a wonderfull, day, you are going to have!
    So love your tags-they are beautifull,simple,and gorgeus--
    Wishing you a merry christmas,too.

    I hope you a year of health, happiness & crafting! Let's get started on the Art Events & classes... what's next? HUGS!

  6. I forgot to ask you where you got the image of the little girl hanging her stockins with her little butt showing out the back of her dress? LOVE IT!

  7. Happy Birthday, much to look forward to and still so much to do.

  8. Happy 50th Birthday! What a special day! I'm so happy for you and I truly love your outlook. I am four years into the same decade and it has been wonderful! You've inspired me to do even better, though. The decades that have passed have been full of so many things, but it certainly is time to be all that we can and want to be. What a great time of year for a birthday. Enjoy the moments!!
    BTW, your tags are gorgeous! Very nice work!

  9. Happy Birthday! Wow, you just missed being a winter solstice baby, huh? What a fun time of year to have a birthday, everything is so festive and fun.

    But, honey, you need to aim a bit higher for a role model. If you saw me on the days I forget to change out of my jammies, or am having a contest to see who can spit the furthest with the grand kids, you would not be saying the word 'stylish' for sure.

    Still, I'm flattered, thanks buddy!

    I hope your 50th year is a wonderful one, and you do know, that it is meant to be celebrated all year long, right?


Howdy! Thanks for stopping by...please come again!