Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mourning doves....

We've had a mourning dove nesting every year in teh same tree, on the same limb. I think this is the 4th year. The limb she chose is not very high...only about 5 feet off the ground so it's really easy to keep an eye on her.

Here she is the first time I noticed her this year.

But she hadn't laid any eggs yet.

The next day, she had laid one egg. This shot was taken July 4th.

She's gotten quite tame over the years & even though we get really close....she never becomes frightened.

I had the camera w/in a foot of her to get this next shot! Isn't the blue rim around her eye beautiful?

She kept her babies well hidden until last week & then revealed that she did have the usual two.

I was tickled pink when she proved she trusted me w/ them, by feeding them right in front of the camera!

Again, the camera wasn't more than 18" away when I got this next shot! It has not been cropped.

She didn't become alarmed until a neighborhood kid rode by on his bike.

LOVE this shot of mother & baby!!!

This photo was just taken yesterday. Their feathers are already filling in & it won't be long now before they leave the nest. *sniff sniff*

I sure am gonna miss my babies when they're gone...they're so much fun! I'll keep y'all updated on their growth!


  1. Cami! I can't believe she let you get that close. This is just incredible, and she is GORGEOUS. And those babies... awwwwww! SO cute!

    Thank you for sharing this with us. Definitely produced a smile here.


    Sheila :-)

  2. What a beautiful photo essay on the mourning dove. I have a couple in our yard but they def do not let me get that close!

  3. Hi Cami,
    you did some amazing photoes, how cute the babyes are, and she is a real mother, looking after them.Fantastic to get such a "relationship" with a bird.

  4. What beautiful photos! We, too, had a resident bird this year--a little wren-like bird (I'm not good with bird ID). She had two eggs, one hatched, the other didn't.

    She built her nest right by the kitchen door (the high-traffic one) behind a metal collie "gate-topper" snugged into a wooden shelf hanging next to the door.

    The fledling was able to fly away for good this week.

  5. Beautiful, beautiful photos. These are really neat! This would be a great childrens book.

  6. You got some amazing shots! Wow, we have "Fred and Ethel" in our yard but there nest is high and they aren't as trusting and tame... I love having them in our yard, about 4 years too. I watch them play and lounge on my fountain in the shade... and teach their babies every year about the world. I even saved their baby one year from drowning in the pool!
    Great post!

  7. These pictures are awesome! Thanks so much for sharing this with us... Its great! Really brought a smile to my face this morning.

    I stopped by to introduce myself... My name is Sherry and I have recently joined the Bloggerette Sorority. I am a newbie to the blogging world, (3 wks!) so I missed the rush. I am however looking forward to joining in on all the fun in the future! I would be honored if you came by my blog at Hope to see you there!

    ~Sherry F.

  8. Hey Cami,
    I just caught up on your blog. Happy belated birthday Caden! Sounds like a fun day. Coke for breakfast huh, That's my breakfast of champions! Your bird pics are the best I've ever seen. You should seriously enter those in some sort of contest. Beautiful. Snag that nest when they leave home. Lastly, your flea finds are the bomb! Good job you little hoarder you! Lisa

  9. Beautiful photos! Oh, I am melting. It is remarkable that she is so trusting (probably not that remarkable, as all creatures recognise a loving, nonthreatening presense). I love love love the close-ups.

  10. Cami, these shots are just amazing!

  11. These are amazing photos, Cami!

    We have a mourning dove and a mockingbird that both nest in the same trees every year too. So fun to watch!

  12. Mourning Doves are my favorite birds, I think. There is something so gentle and sweet about them. We used to have many of them at our bird feeder when we lived in California. How wonderful that she trusts you so much!

    Gorgeous photos, Cami.


  13. Hi Cami

    Just popping by to play catch-up. Love your recent thrift store finds! All the trims are yummy! And a Happy Birthday to Caeden!

    Enjoy the rest of your week!


Howdy! Thanks for stopping by...please come again!