Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A wonderful gift from a friend!

Hi y'all...I wanted to share another piece of art work I recently received. This wasn't part of the art exchange or a was just given to me by a generous & thoughtful artist. An artist of a different sort; for words are The Muse's medium & she uses them well. I'm a woman of many talents but writing is not one of them so I particularly admire & envy her talent w/ words & descriptive phrases.

I love teh wintry feel of this poem & included it in my winter decor. Thank you so much, Muse...I treasure it & will proudly display it each winter.

Everyone is doing these fairy paper dolls now (Dawn @ The Feathered Nest was the originator, I think) so I jumped on the bandwagon. Doesn't it go well w/ the poem?

The windowsill vignette I created.

And the Muse is a multi-talented artist (as if her prose wasn't enough!) look at the altered tag she also made! It's very well crafted...w/ layers upon layers & w/ a wonderful, waxy feel to it. Thanks again's just darling! *grins*


  1. Yum and how lucky for you! I love it and the sweet little angle winged baby. I've been thinking about making one or 2 myself.

    Happy Hump Day!

  2. I am certainly happy the prose fit into your vignette...but I am thinking your little angel/fairy paper doll, is simply grand!

    She certainly does look right at if the prose was written just for her :)

    Thank you so much for making my work a part of your Christmas holiday :)

  3. LOVE that little winter fairy! Lucky you! She's adorable. Love the little table scape you have going on there.

    yapping cat

  4. Sweet vignette, love the poem, love the fairy baby. Only you with your tender heart could have created this.

    Sniff. It's just lovely.

  5. It's nice to meet you ... when The Muse leaves a comment on my blog, it's almost magic in its composition .... I love playing her word games. Always fun and challenging.
    I agree with Cindy ~~ lucky you!

  6. This is a beautiful vignette and the Muse's writing is the "icing" on the proverbial cake...

  7. What a wonderful poem by our Muse. She's something, isn't she? Congratulations to you. Now your little angel is adorable and love your vingette.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. Flew over from Miss Muse's place to see your lovely blog. Your little winged fairy looks safe inside her proper cloche house, and Muse's prose is a fitting tale. However, I was struck by the whimsical "Brrrr" flung across the tray. I am glad I came, and will say a prayer for your son.
    Theresa @ Cottage Violets

  9. Love it and the Ms.Muses words just wonderful (:)
    Hugs, Patty

  10. Hello Cami! Haven't been over for a while - darling things you've done *sigh* That muse is just the best - isn't she?!!
    Have a great weekend!
    Karla & Karrie

  11. Now this in so adorable. what a untique idea love it! love!Lovely prose too!!!

  12. Oh, I'm a big of the Muse, Cami, and this was a very sweet tribute to her. She's an angel. :-)

    And not only do I love her tag and the poem, but I love the little fairy angel you made. Perfect all!


    Sheila :-)

  13. ...i was flying about blogland on snow covered wings and I had to take a moment to land, and whisper a winter hello :)


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