Monday, September 21, 2009

Make Your Monday...Gizzy's heart

Happy Monday to you all! Kim @ Twice Remembered is back back from her blog break & for today's Make Your Monday, I wanted to share my first needlefelting project. I've been wanting to attempt needlefelting for some time...I've seen some darling little bunnies, pumpkins, etc. And when I heard that you can use pet hair, I knew what my first project would be. I always saved my beloved Gizzy's hair (my shih tzu I lost in April) to put out for the birds to nest with & while going through some drawers a while back, I found an old stash of his hair. *wiping the tears away*

I used his hair & bonded it to a heart-shaped piece of white felt w/ a felting needle. His hair was kinda stinky but I didn't wash it...the smell of him was strong enough to keep me in tears through-out the whole project. I was emotional the whole day in fact... I longed for him so much as I worked w/ his hair! But I think it had a cathartic effect on me & enabled me to truly let go of my grief. For the most part anyway.... I will always long for Giz, he was that much a part of me.

Here's the finished heart w/ a favorite picture of Gizzy & his leather collar. Gizzy wore that collar his whole adult life & it was sad but fitting that after he died, it fell apart in my lie! The leather where it connected to the tab was so worn that it broke in 2. It held on as long as it could, just like Giz.

I shared a lot of treasures & heirlooms in my last post, but I tell ya, this stinky fur heart & this old collar ranks right up there w/ them.

I haven't shared a picture of my "new" (he's 7 mos old now!) shih tzu, Rudy in a while & thought y'all might enjoy seeing him now. I let his mophead grow longer than Giz & I have them leave "boots" on him when groomed, but you can't really see them in this pic. I'll try to get a picture of his boots soon...I get so many compliments on his cut.

Doesn't he have just the sweetest face? And his disposition is even sweeter! Because he's so sweet & such a "sissy-dog" I bling him out & doll him up more than I did Giz. Gizzy was just too much of a tough guy to pull off the look, plus I was likely to get bit dressing him up. LOL I'm training Rudy's hair to lay to either side so that it can stay long & not cover his eyes but as you can see, he has an adorable, stray lock that refuses to behave. In case you haven't gathered, this little boy has stolen my heart already....he's really special!

Vist Kim @ Twice Remembered for more crafty projects!


  1. LOL about the stinky heart, but it's such a beautiful and touching tribute to Gizzy.

    Love the do on Rudy. Both of the babies are just so soulful. Couldn't you just swim in the pool of love that you see in their eyes.

  2. The heart turned out beautiful!!! And Rudy is a cutie pie too!

  3. Ahh that is sad. It takes me a long time to get over losing a dog, and I don't know if I ever really get over it. Thats neat that you have Giz's fur to make the heart. Thats something about the collar breaking right at the end.
    Your new pup is darling, and I can see where it could wrap you around his finger..oops, paws. lol.

  4. Greetings from Casa Hice in Jacksonville, Florida. I found you via A Fanciful Twist and noticed you have also signed up for her Halloween Event. This is my first time, so I am utterly clueless. Any tips for a newbie?

    LOVE your blog, am pleased to make your acquaintance, and am looking forward to getting to know you better.

    PS: Please stop by Casa Hice any time and leave your foot prints on my welcome mat. It's always out!

  5. Thanks soooo much for checking my blog out! I LOVE to meet new people! I am fairly new at this BLOGGIN stuff! I LOVE your blog! Very classy & pretty! You look like you have fun w/the grands, like me during Halloween.
    I am SOOOO into Halloween meals! I seriously dream about new recipes, I know huh?...lame! BUT hold off making your meal choices. I am posting new ones every week! MY FAVE is my is to start w/"deadhead Spread" & the "drowning in my jello JELLO" & the BQ'ed Dracula's heart in Garlic Butter,AND end w' YUMMY "ArmOFdeaden Cake".
    So come back & visit again! I also Have a favorite flower chandalier similer to yours, I LOVE that thing! Its shown on my "To rosie, from rosie" post.
    Again, so fun talking to you! Rosie T @rosycheeks

  6. What a cute little puppy, and frame you have created! Cindy

  7. What a wonderful way to remember your dog! And the new guy ... he's adorable.

    Thanks for being my first commenter! I really should give you a prize or something, huh? :)

  8. Oh Cammi, your story of making that needle felted heart almost had me crying. It turned out wonderful. I know nothing about needle felting but, I think I would like to hear more.

    Glad you liked my apron. Thanks for the sweet comments. I think Lisa is going to offer the class again. Send her a comment that you would like to take it if you want. I told her there were folks out there that missed it & should have another chance to sign up. I am taking the rose class! SIGN UP!!! I would LOVE to meet you in person. And that Rudy is a doll!

  9. Losing a dog is a hard thing! I lost 2 in like 6 months! :( I had a beagle and a maltese...they were the cutest ever!!!

    Maybe my giveaway will cheer you up...come check it out
    re to check out my giveaway at

  10. Hello
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment
    I had to laugh out loud at your pooch...he is so cute!
    Thanks for sharing your sentimental projects with us

  11. Your new "baby" is adorable. Has he kept you up much? Love the felt heart...good job!

    Stay Cozy, Carrie

  12. I'm sorry for your loss of Giz. I hope Rudy gives you much joy for a long, long time!

  13. Cami, that is so sweet the heart that you made...what a cute reminder of your Gizzy...Rudy is adorable:)

    ps: i am looking forward to seeing what you are doing with your journal for Heather's class

  14. What a touching post... I really enjoyed reading about this bittersweet "heartfelt" project. I'm so sorry to hear about Gizzy:( YOur felt heart turned out beautifully and I love how you placed it next to Gizzy's photo. A very nice vignette:)

    I showed the picture of Rudy to my daughter the other day and she just squealed with delight! He is so sweet and precious! We recently {in the last 2 or 3 weeks} adopted a mini doxie and named her Ruby...but for some reason Rudy slips out a lot of the times! I call her Ruby Two Shoes.

    Or Ruby Toot, Ruby Toot, Ruby Toot Two Shoes {I do not know why.}

    Thanks again for sharing such a lovely and touching project:)

  15. Oh Cami, what a sweet story about making a heart out of Gizzy's hair. You know had tears running down my face, too. Giz was a really special little dog. He sure did love his Mama!

    And Rudy. Well, that's just about the cutest face I've ever laid my eyes on. I just want to squeeze him to pieces. I hope I get to meet him in person before too long.

  16. Hi Cami ~
    It is great to meet you in blog world ~ we live in Keller too and I found you from Pat's blog ~ I think you were at Art Class last night ~
    Oh my goodness I love your little baby ~
    We have 2 Shih Tzus and just adore them ~
    I can't wait to get to know you better especially since we are sort of neighbors ~

  17. What a sweet project, I'm so sorry for the loss of your little Giz. I have a pug who sheds constantly and I am forever vacuuming up pug hair, but I know I will miss it when she's gone! Thanks for sharing.

  18. Hi Cami, I'm truly sorry for the loos of your sweet pup. The heart you made is a perfect memento.

    Enjoy your new little guy as much as possible :)

  19. Hi Cami,
    I'm so sorry about Gizzy...that is soooo hard to go through. Rudy is precious! He does have the sweetest face!


Howdy! Thanks for stopping by...please come again!