Thursday, February 5, 2009

Themed Thursday...Furry Friends

I have a large collection of dog prints & dog figurines so I was excited about this week's Themed Thursday, hosted by KD @ Southern Whimsy .

First off, this sweet ceramic poodle. She's larger than the rest of my figurines so she lives apart from them. ;o)

Then we'll move on to my collection of vintage dog prints. Most of them are vintage anyway, I will eventually replace any that aren't w/ some that are. I keep them all on the stairway wall. I don't know what I will do when they outgrow this space. ;o)

(click on any picture to enlarge)

This appears to be a photograph of a painting but I can't tell for sure.

One of my favorites! Love the poms checking out the clown.

Hubby & I just bought this one while "tiking.... you'll see it in a future "tiking finds" post.

These last 2, are the 2 that aren't vintage. It'll be kinda hard to give up this one though as it was the very first of my collection. It's really only a sentimental attachment though as I think the colors are too dark for my home.

I have the matching print of this one w/ a girl & a cat but it's not displayed.

Despite what this signs proclaims, I do have a few cats in my collection (the sign was hubby's hung in one of his businesses. It actually reads "no dogs or cats allowed" but I changed that. ;o) )

This is where I keep all my small dog figurines & veery one of them is vintage. Not a single piece of resin in the collection. I found this wall shelf & knew it would be perfect for them. The rental office sign was another one of PaPa's.

The poodle I found while thrifting recently.

See, I have a couple of cats. I don't usually "do" cats but there is a couple that have stolen my heart.

The doxie, hubby & I bought in Fredericksburg last year on our anniversary trip. The chi I bought for hubby while in Salado w/ my mom.

We found this little soapstone dog while 'tiking a month or so ago but I neevr posted those finds.

My favorite cat because it captures their mischievous personality.

Love teh painting of this westie!

Sweet, playful beagle.

This is one of a pair of vintage bookends.

Beautiful green eyes!

I know he's ugly but he looked so sad that I had to bring him home!

The other of the bookends & a sweet poodle. The antique dealer that I bought it from (for $4!) kept repeating, "you know that it has been broken & glued back together right?" & then she went on to say "it is supposed to be attached to another poodle but that one is missing."
Like, because it had flaws, I would be uninterested. I don't think so! Flaws add character for me.

This painting looks just my Gizzy. For about 5 minutes, right after he's groomed. ;o) I bought it on eBay...put in a maximum bid & won it for $11! Yep, $11 for an original oil painting. I guess it was an off week & noone saw the auction 'cause her paintings go for alot more than that. She does beautiful work & she does several can check out her auctions here.

Saw this little doggie creamer & had to have it. Ooops, I was wrong...this piece isn't vintage.

There you go...hope you enjoyed my collection. Head over to KD's to see everybody else's furry friends.


  1. What a marvelous collection! I have a westie and like to collect westie things from time to time. I also have a cavashon and have never seen anything drawn or made to look like him!

  2. Oh that was fun! Loved seeing all of your doggies (and cats). I especially love the little painting.

  3. This theme was perfect for you. I love all your vintage critters. Did you see the Cottage of the Month last month? I think that's the right one...she had lots of dog art that was beautiful.

  4. Love your dog (and cat) collection! You have such a knack for displaying your finds. laurie

  5. Wow your collection is huge. I love all the vintage prints

  6. What cutie patooties Cami! I love the vintage pet framed prints! It's nice to see the things we all love to collect! ~CC Catherine ;)

  7. Hi Cami...I LOVE the way you displayed your doggie prints & I love everyone of them...especially the poms...heehee. What a fascinating collection you have acquired...wonderfully arranged too! ;-) Bo

  8. What a great collection you have and it's so nice that your hubby enjoys it with you.


  9. Your Dog Collection is precious! I love the way you have all of the tole trays and pretty plates mixed in...on your unique shelf. I love tole trays and those two on top of your shelf are gorgeous!
    I tell you girl, you sure did make an extra special tablescape and dinner for your Anniverary...and by the way Congratulations...may you be blessed with many more years together. It's all beautiful with all the special touches....that vintage couple is quite the find! I know your darling husband was so delighted with everything you did...
    That is such a pretty petite point doily in your Rose Wednesday Post too.
    Thank you for coming over and seeing my are such an know that right!? Hope you have a wonderful afternoon!

  10. You have some really great pieces. I have some vintage sighthound prints that are in storage right now. I especially love your field/hunting dog pieces. Great post. Kathy (PS, I notice that you haunt Fredericksburg and Salado, wave next time you come down 35!)

  11. Hi Cami! *waves* I enjoyed every single picture!! And what a wonderful collection you have!! I am soo wanting a dog picture or 20 like yours! Thank you so much for sharing them! Vanna

  12. Lovely collection! Good thing they don't beg for food!

    word verification game
    miteedhs: Miteed High School

  13. Cami, we have something else in common... I have dog paintings on my walls, too! :-) I smile every time I see them. They always make me happy.

    Loved yours...



  14. As usual, a lot of great stuff in your home to look at. Love the dog pictures. Sally

  15. Great collection. Thanks for sharing. And the painting you got off ebay is sooooo cute. You did get a deal. Don't you love it?

  16. Oh My Goodness....your little friends are the cutest things ever! I also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your vintage paintings! Thanks so much for coming by my ittty-bitty blog!


  17. Oh've got quite a collection, there! I'd better keep my kitties away from the " He-dog Cat-haters Club House"!! lol (Sorry...too much Little Rascals!) Have a great weekend!...Debbie

  18. Oh Girl you have a wonderful collections going on here...and you know me with my antique eye I am checking it all I love those pictures and can't wait to see the post you do with antiques...thanks for sharing great stuff...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  19. I love your banner !! I also love your dog pictures on the side of your staircase and all the great pictures of your collection.

  20. I loved your post. I am a dog lover too. I think that dogs have a special spirit. I think God knew what he was doing when he sent us these wonderful companions.

  21. You have the nicest collection of puppy dogs. Very cute and interesting!

    Guess what?? After seeing your post a couple of days ago, I went back to my GW where I had noticed an annivesary clock last week. I had walked right past it until you mentioned buying one for the dome. This one was in bad shape. Part of the bottom was broken off, it sat lopsided, etc. I asked (yes, even at the GW) if they would come down on it. I got it for $3.60. I will think of you each time I see my new dome! BTW, what will you do with the hands of yours??


  22. ~Precious Cami!
    What a wonderful heartwarming collection you have. :)

  23. What a beautiful collection. It is so interesting I could lok at them for hours.

    Yes, I shop our local small town drugstore on a regular basis. They carry some awesome home decor items. That's rural IA for you!!
    Hugs, Terrie

  24. Your blog always looks so fresh and new. I love the wallpaper and your new header.

    And of course, you just know that I love baby animals, dogs and CATS!!! LOL. My cats would never let me have so many ceramic friends, feline or canine, but I have certainly enjoyed looking at yours. Thank you for sharing.

  25. I love those little bookends- I'm getting ready to move PK upstairs to his "big boy room" and I'm going to decorate with doggies!

  26. I LOVE the beagle! I want a real one ;o)

  27. What an incredible collection you have!

  28. Oh Cami,they're all so precious.I'm so glad you showed them ALL to us.I like your first non-vintage painting the best.And the first kitty.Oops...Ann

  29. What a great collection! I collect dog art too and have them hanging in my foyer.

  30. I have smidge of dog themed vintage goodies, and wish I had a collection like yours!

  31. Love your beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

  32. Oh yes, Cami, I remember this precious doggie collection of yours! I love it...and especially love the way you have it all displayed on the are the reason that I started wanting to collect doggies! Thanks so much for coming over today! Hope you have a great evening!
    Big Hugs,


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