Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Rose Wednesday!

Time to show us your roses! Jan @ Jan & Tom's Rose Haven is our gracious hostess for Rose Wednesdays. She has some lovely things & a beautiful blog...stop by & say hello to her!

I love this flue cover I have hanging in my guest room. It's just a reproduction & that usually turns me off but in this case, I don't care. I love it's look & of course the roses but even more, I love the Bible verse. It's always been my favorite! Because that just says it all, doesn't it? I mean, all we have to do is love each other & life will be's really that simple.

Be sure & stop by Jan's to see the other Rose Wednesday posts. Have a good day everybody!


  1. Ohhhhhhhh, Cami, I love the flue cover too! The Bible verse is just wonderful.

    Thanks for joining us today!


  2. That is one verse we should never forget!! My grandmother had a flue cover that covered the flue hole in the summer (for real)!! Glad those days are past. Sally

  3. Isn't that lovely, Cami! I love that verse, too, and such good advice. The Lord is the best, isn't He?


    Sheila :-)

  4. That is a gorgeous flue cover! Reproduction or not - that's so beautiful. I'd buy that in a minute!

  5. You are right...sometimes repos can be great...and this proves it!
    Sweet~and pure!

  6. I love that verse and how pretty it is surrounded by the roses. I also like your light switch cover. We had one like this in one of our rooms where we used to live and several like it only in brass color. The white one was in my doll room.

  7. cami..first off ley me tell you girl..I love your header picture..and also AMEN to that saying..just love it..have a great day deare friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  8. Hello Cami,

    I'm so pleased to meet you. I love your flue cover (yes, that does say it all!) and I have read your profile and have added prayers for your son (and all the rest of your delightful family) to my prayertime.

    Always a JOY to meet another JOYful one! : D

  9. Great flue cover. I love it! I have one in my Guest Rooom...hmmm, I think it has ROSES! Thanks for stopping in and saying hi!

  10. I love that even the simplest of functional things can also be artistic & beautiful.
    Your cover is not only pretty, but it is a reminder of what expected of us.

  11. I love it! That is so pretty. It would look beautiful anywhere in the house! Not to get off note but where did you get the switch cover? Happy Rose Wednesday!

  12. I like it, but I like your light switch too! We need gentle reminders like the verse, at least I do....

  13. Hard to believe that beautiful thing is a flue cover! How great. laurie

  14. Beautiful-love the Bible verse-just what we all need to hear right now don't ya think?~Smiles~Tam!


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