Friday, January 9, 2009

My 100th post give-away!

Although I'm a few posts late. I actually hit 100 on my New Year's eve post but I never noticed that it was my 100th post. Pretty cool that I closed out the year w/ 100 posts but it is soo like me to overlook it. Anyway, better late than never!

I recently bought a copy of Nell Hill's Entertaining in Style by Mary Carol Garrity @ Half Price Books ( I never see her books @ half-price ...nobody ever gets rid of them!). I have several of her books & wasn't sure if I had this one so I thumbed through it. None of the photographs looked familiar so I bought it & then came home & saw that I already had it. (precisely why I save all my favorite magazines & reread them every season. ;o) )

I think it might be fortuitous though because it'll be great for a blog give-away. My 100th post give-away!

As you can see, the cover has a slit in it near the binder but other than that, it appears to be in great shape.

It's chock full of after page after page. Her tablescapes are over the top, yet still very elegant &'s a dish lover's dream!

Look how she used a mirrored cake plateau here. Kathleen has used one several times & it always looks beautiful. I really, really want one.

If you'd like achance @ winning this wonderful book, just leave a comment on this post & I'll draw a name next Friday.

And while I have your attention (do I still have your attention? *grins* ) I want to announce my upcoming blogaversary on Feb 25th. I'm having a big give-away countdown!

Starting w/ this. A beautiful, vintage hankie in a lovely shade of blue & white w/ pretty pink roses & scalloped edges. It's in perfect condition although it could use a good ironing. I'll send it in this old tin in a wonderfully faded shade of rose pink. Look at the floral medallion & lace doily detail.Then, from now until February 25th, on every Friday, I will add another little sumthin' sumthin' to the tin. To represent me & the things I love, I'm going to choose items from my beloved collections. And as most of you know, I collect a lot of neat stuff!

To get your name in the hat, just leave a comment on my blogaversary countdown on Fridays. For every Friday that you leave a comment, a slip w/ your name goes into the hat. If you want 3 more tries added to the hat, add this button, w/ a link back to my blog to your sidebar & let me know about it.

Both of these give-aways are restricted to the continental US...sorry! And you don't have to have a blog to enter but you must leave an email address so that I can contact you. Good luck!


  1. OMG, what a great giveaway!!! Congrats on the 100th post AND the upcoming blogaversary. Please count me in AND know that I will be posting about you on my bloggy.



  2. Hi, I just want to thank you for your wise words, that is exactly what i feel abot turning 40. And yes enter me for that book, i am table setting obsessed now for Tablescape Tuesday and i need some ideas. mishelle

  3. That looks like a book that I would love.Please put my name in the pot. Thank you.


  4. Please toss my name into the hat. Thank you!

  5. wow what a great give away.. and congrats on your 100th post!

  6. Congrats on your anniversary! I definitely want IN on this give-away! :O) Now, I'm off to post it on my side-bar! I especially hope I win that delicious book! My e-mail is on my profile (not that you'll probably need it, as I'm not very lucky!) ;O)

  7. Hi Cami:
    I'm going to try this again,when I clicked on publish your comments it said it was a duplication...what????
    Congratulations on your 100th post. I just found your blog recently and I think you are doing a great job!!!
    Super nice gifts that you are giving away, please enter me in the drawing.

  8. Yippee! Congrats on all accounts Cami! :)

  9. Congratulations on your 100th post. What a fantastic achievement! Well done, Cami!

    I so need table setting help! Please enter me in your giveaway.

  10. What great giveaways, both of them! Please count me in. :)

  11. Congrats on both occaisions! Mary Carrol is a local gal, not too far from me. I love to go to her shop, she is chock full of ideas.


  13. Great giveaways! I already have that book, so make sure someone else wins it!! I am interested, however, in your anniversary giveaway. It will be great fun to see what you add each week. Sally

  14. What a wonderful giveaway! Sign me up! :-)



  15. Congratulations on the 100 post. I totally missed mine. he he
    Blogging is so fun and you get to meet some great people.
    Oh I would love to have that book it looks great! Hugs, Bobbi Jo

  16. Count me in for the givaway! I love your wallpaper by the way. It adorns my bed and bedroom windows as well!!
    Blessings and congrats on your 100th post!!

  17. Congrats on your 100th post. It's a milestone !
    I have that book on my wish please put my name in the hat for the lottery...

  18. Congrats on your 100th post!

    Wow! Two great giveaways! Now that is special.

    I would love to win that book. I love to set tables and throw parties so it would be great to have that book.

    Oh my! I do collect vintage hankies so even if you didn't add another thing to that pretty tin I would be thrilled to win.

    I'm posting your giveaway on my blog for you and adding your button.


  19. What a great prize. I love vintage hankies and pretty tins. Peggy

  20. Hi Cami, It is so nice to meet you too! I am glad you came over and visited with me! Please put my name is the hat! I need that table scape book...baaaaad! I don't like to set tables...kinda my down! Please come back anytime and visit! Blessings to you, Nancy

  21. Please enter me for both drawings! I can't wait to see who wins!!!! Happy 100th post and Happy Blogaversary!!!

  22. Congratulations! I hope I can make to 100 posts, but since I've slowed down on my posting, it may take me years to make it to 100! Please put my name in the drawing for the lovely book.laurie

  23. Hello,
    I just wanted to stop by and say Thank You for wishing me a happy birthday.
    Have a great weekend,

  24. what a collection of DELIGHTS!
    and belated CONGRATS!!!

  25. Congratulations....and what a great book! We are Texas natives (except for hubby and he's a naturalized citizen from CA), and we live in CO...ambassadors to a part of the country that used to be part of Texas...and try to convince people here that if they put beans in chili, it becomes stew! And oh, how I miss Half Price books!!!!!! We got so spoiled...the best used bookstore in town is Friends of the library!

  26. I have just came across your wonderful blog. Your blog is very
    creative. I will add your giveaway to my blog. Have a great day.

  27. Congrats on your 100th post. Wow time flies doesn't it? This is a wonderful giveaway..I would be delighted to have my name in the hat, bowl, dish or tin .. lol.. hope you're having a super w/k.
    hugs ~lynne~

  28. Thanks for the giveaway!

    zekks at yahoo dot com

  29. Wow! I love the book and all the other treasures! I do need help with table settings. Congrats on your 100 post and blog anniversary! I guess I better come up with some nice gifts for I soon will be reaching the 100 post. I would love to know how you plan to choose the giveaway, I have followers and subscribers, and commenters, I would love to make sure all are in on my give away, so as you do yours, I love some help! I want the book! lol

  30. Goodness gracious, you are celebrating girl! I love this Mary Carol Garrity book, but I already have it (and love it), so I won't be greedy. Please, if you have time, stop by my blog. I have a friend who needs our prayers.

  31. Oh, I'd love to win! Great giveaway!!! Happy Sunday!

  32. Happy 100th Post! What a wonderful giveaway. Love Mary Carrol Garrity.

  33. Hi Cami~
    Don't you just love her books? i have them all except the new weddings one! Thanks for the visit to my 1st Pink Saturday post! and for the link're so sweet! Congrats on your anniversary!

  34. Well aren't you just the sweetest little thing? I would love to be entered in your giveaway. You are a generous lady. :)

    thank you for your sweet comment about my little grandbaby. Hope yours is continuing to do well.

    hugs, Donna

  35. Hey i love this book too! I already have it... But congrats on your blogaversary!!! Sweet!


  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Congratulations on your 100th post! Thank you for stopping by my blog ~ so happy you did so I could find yours :-)

  38. Congrats on your 100th! Please enter my name in your fab drawing!

  39. Congratulations on your 100th post giveaway...I'm leaving a comment in hopes that isn't too late to enter...LoL! Have beautiful weekend...

  40. I stumbled upon your blog, and lordy girl, you have a giveaway going on!
    Congrats on your 100th post.
    Keep bloggin'.
    It's a girl thing.

  41. I love this...And you are very welcome...Ann

  42. Hey girl,i still want to win.haha...Ann

  43. Congratulations on your 100+ posts! I'm a newbie at this myself, but I am so enjoying getting to know all you wonderful ladies through your marvelous blogs!

  44. Congrats on the 100 posts! A milestone! I came over from Joann's blog. Always happy to meet another blogger...
    My middle son was burned over 45% of his body. He was fortunate that his face wasn't included but any other part of his body was used to harvest skin for grafts. He has had 15 surgeries for grafts and releases. His hands and feet were most severely burned. It is a very traumatic experience but he is a very strong young man. He is married now with 2 beautiful daughters. He is doing well. I will certainly pray for your family as this changes the whole family...Bless you.


Howdy! Thanks for stopping by...please come again!