Saturday, January 24, 2009

In the Pink!

Hello! I'm playing in Pink Saturday again this week, hosted by Beverly @ How Sweet the Sound. I wasn't able to get around to everybody last week but I did visit a lot of new, beautiful blogs. Nice to meet everybody! Last week, I started visiting blogs from the beginning of the list & then from the end...this week, I'll start in the middle & hopefully make it to everyone's blogs that I didn't get to last week.

I bought a pair of capodimonte style lamps @ a garage sale many, many years ago (long before they worked in any room of my house but they were only $20.00 for the pair...minus the shades!) They have no marks on them so I don't know who they were made by. I only have one displayed & the other sits in closet...I guess I really should find a home for it too.

Not sure this is the right shade for it...what do y'all think? Honestly? I've tried a marabou feather trimmed shade but that wasn't quite right. Should I do more elaborate like this fringed dome or just use a simple bell shade?

Love the "figurines"! What are cherubs called when they don't have wings?

And look how sweet the violets around the base of the lamp are! They're teeny-tiny.

There were over 100 participants in last week's Pink Saturday. Let's go check out all the glorious pink posts...don't forget to say hello to our hostess Beverly!


  1. that is a beautiful lamp- alas you are talking to a no originality decorator who buys red if she sees red or blue or orange or,,,,,,,,you get the picture-
    I think it looks great as it is- hugs from Meme

  2. I am adding your son to my prayer list also- hugs again

  3. That lamp is so sweet-love it! I think the shade you have on it looks very nice! Have a wonderful weekend!~Tam:D

  4. Oh my those lamps are lovely! Do they have a marking on the bottom?

    You must get the other out of the closet! :0)


  5. Vinty, I swear you make me want to go to every garage sale in town! What fun to read your blog.

  6. Love the lamp! You must bring the other one out of the closet. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful Pink Saturday!


  7. Hi Cami...What a pretty lamp! I love the shade! Have a great weekend...Debbie

  8. What a sweet lamp, but I really love the pink glassware!

  9. Morning, Cami! Oh, what a precious little lamp. I guess the little wingless cherubs are just precious little darlings! I like the shade you have on it and I think you did well getting both for $20.
    Be a sweete,
    Sehlia ;)

  10. Beautiful pink lamp!

    Hard to visit over 100 pink blogs...but I try!

    Happy Pink Saturday.

  11. I'm sure mine won't be your only offer,but I have a nice place for the 2nd one.ha And I think the shade is perfection.I couldn't imagine it having any other kind...Ann

  12. I love the details on this lamp! Happy Pink Saturday!
    Erin :)

  13. Your lamp is precious. I like the shade with it. I think I hear the other lamp crying to get out of the closet!!

  14. Pixies? or do pixies have wings? Anyway, they are about the cutest little lamps I'v eever seen! Love them!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  15. Love the tablelamp. have a beautiful pink Saturday

  16. I think the fringed dome is perfect. My aunt had a similar lamp, and as I recall, she had sort of an hour glass shade for it trimmed in gimp. But I like what you selected.

    Prayers to your son...



  17. I think the little wingless cherubs are called "putti".

    Yours sure are cute! What is campodimonte style I haven't heard that phrase.

  18. They are beautiful! I like the shade that you have, but if you get tired of them then put a sculpted bell shade. I am not sure what they little wingless babies are called... cherubs? cupids?

    They're just precious! : )


  19. Love the delicate lamp so sweet. Happy Pink Saturday.
    Hugs, Bobbi Jo

  20. I apologize for being late for the Pink Saturday festivities...but I am glad to be reading blogs!

    Honestly, In my opinion, the shade fits the piece! And it is so victorian cottage chic!

    No matter if they are marked..a great buy!!!!

  21. Cupids? Or do they always have to have an arrow? Well, wings or not, they're cute! I love the sweet little flowers at the bottom!


  22. Beautiful pink lamp,love the details.
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  23. Lovely little lamp! It's crying for its mate to come out of the closet. Sally

  24. Pretty lamp! I love the fringed lamp shade. I think it looks great!

  25. You got yourself a bargain! Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday.

  26. Did you ever get a deal on those lamps! They are just gorgeous and, to tell you the truth, I'm just a tad envious!

  27. Great fun pink find Cami!
    Those are darling.

  28. Hi
    I enjoyed seeing your winter decorations. Since I don't live so very far for you, I happen to know you haven't had much real winter. If you are like me, you could use a few more really cold days. I like the cold weather. I don't have out much winter decoration, just some snowmen.

    And I am going to look at all the pink today and hope to participate next week.

    Happy Weekend.

  29. Your lamp is beautiful. I like the shade you picked out with it.
    Thanks for visiting. It's so nice to meet you! Happy Pink Saturday

  30. The lamp is beautiful and the shade you have on it looks like a perfect fit. I also love garage sales and a bargain.

    Happy PS


  31. That is really pretty. I'd still call them cherubs :) And I think the shade looks fine.

  32. What a fun lamp! My hubby would kill me!! hehehe!

  33. Those are just beautiful! Happy Pink Saturday!

  34. Oh! That lamp is so pretty!! I think the shade is perfect for it. I want to go take the lamp off my pink post right now. Yours puts mine to shame! Have a wonderful pink weekend1

  35. They are indeed called "putti" as G said! :o)

  36. Cami,
    Beautiful the shade that origally on it. Happy Pink and welcome.
    Nice to meet you

  37. What a lovely blog! Really enjoyed my visit! Hugs, Maryjane

  38. That is beautiful. I love the tiny flowers around it

  39. Happy Pink Saturday, Cami. I just learned about your son in your profile. I will definitely keep you all in my prayers. I totally agree that we can all use prayer.

    Your lamp is fantastic - well actually I think it is exquisite. I do think it might make an even stronger statement with a simple silk bell-shaped shade. Be sure to let us know if you change it.

  40. I like the lamp just the way it is. I've never seen one like it before....very sweet.

  41. What a wonderful lamp. I like it just as you have it. Happy belated Pink Saturday and have a lovely week.

  42. I love the shade you have on it. Happy belated pink Saturday.

  43. Hi Cami
    The other lamp...I know a great SPOT for IN my HOME.(hehee The lamp is stunning. I think the shade is just right.Great find.

  44. The lamp is so precious...what an amazing find...I love seeing what you's nice to bring out something that you've had for a while and figure out that it works in your decor now isn't it!

  45. Le DROOL!! Talk about double your pleasure, these are beautiful! You MUST get the other one out! The shade suits it pefectly, I think.

    Ah-ha... I thought your name sounded familiar. You had left a comment on my Pink Sat....
    Forgive me for being so behind!

  46. This is yummy, too! I collect vintage lighting AND cherubs, so imagine my glee at seeing this!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents


Howdy! Thanks for stopping by...please come again!