Friday, January 30, 2009

Blogaversary countdown give-away continues!

Well shoot! I forgot alll about the countdown post last Friday. *turns red* I'm sorry! Anyway, I am adding 2 items to the tin today to make up for it. You've probably seen glimpses of my tole collection in previous posts. (I'll share pics of it soon) This is a stray that didn't make it onto the wall w/ the others. I have another red one just like it & then one in black, as well. They're small...about 4" by 6" so they make good change holders or jewelry trays on the dresser. This one is in great condition & I know y'all will enjoy it.

And to make up for the missed post last week, I am also adding a pair of vintage clip-on earrings. I have a large collection of vintage jewelry & am happy to share a bit of it. I use vintage clip-on earrings for everything but earrings. I try to wear them but they make my ears hurt! So I use them as barrettes...they hold a small strand of hair easily. I also use them to dress up bottles & apothecary jars, they look gorgeous in a crystal bowl & I have a bunch on a couple of old shutters, that are used as "photo clips".

These are lovely & I had a hard time giving them up but in the tin they go.

I've packed the earrings in a mini-"hatbox" because the hatbox symbolizes another of my collections. Here's all the treasures packed up til now....the old tin, the vintage hankie, the adorable cherub, red tole tray & vintage earrings in mini-hatbox. Remember, I will add a new treasure from one of my collections, every Friday & will draw a name on my blogaversary, on Feb 25th.

To get your name in the hat, just leave a comment on my blogaversary countdown on Fridays. For every Friday that you leave a comment, a slip w/ your name goes into the hat. If you want 3 more tries added to the hat, add this button, w/ a link back to my blog to your sidebar & let me know about it.

This give-away is restricted to the continental US...sorry! And you don't have to have a blog to enter but you must leave an email address so that I can contact you. Good luck!


  1. What cute goodies, Cami! I would love to play!

    Thanks much...


    Sheila :-)

  2. Oh thanks so much for the great idea of different uses for old clip earrings. I hav been overlooking that section of the thrift stores. Blessings and I always enjoy stopping by.

  3. Your giveaway is so nice, I hope I win! I love love love these trays!

  4. Count me in Cami, the tole tray already has caught my eye! Love the trays...another item I collect. ;) ~CC I'm also going to put the logo on the side bar of my blog. I'll let you know once I get that done.

  5. Ok, just added the button/logo on my side bar announcing your giveaway today! This is fun... ;) ~CC

  6. I will add my name. Hope all is well there. We enjoyed the cold weather. WE have a Bible conference this weekend. Should be very good.


  7. Here is my friday entry. I love the tray and your ideas for clip earings.

  8. Please enter me in your giveaway!
    Everything looks so pretty!
    I came visiting for the pink diamonds!

  9. I love a giveaway, but I don't know how you part w/ all that pretty stuff....I'm sure it will find the right home!

  10. Hey Cami,
    Yes, please throw my name in the drawing! I would love to win your generous giveaway!

  11. oh la la! Sorry I missed the first Friday but I will try this week! A very fun giveaway!

  12. I would love to enter the give-a-way.
    Nancy in North Carolina


  13. That tray is awesome. The earrings---how can you part with them?


Howdy! Thanks for stopping by...please come again!