Thursday, December 11, 2008

Trim a Tree Thursday

Happy Trim a Tree Thursday! Hosted by the hostess w/ the mostess @ The Southern Hostess

Today I am sharing pictures of my living room tree. I normally put up 2 full-size trees & several table top trees but this year, I am only putting up one big one & the little aluminum tree, I shared in the previous post. I had to get creative, to display collections I normally put on the trees, so I don't know if I am missing them at all. Except the one in my bedroom. We put it on a timer & I miss going to sleep by the light of the tree. *sigh*

I could not get a good, full shot of my tree. I wish this picture captured the beauty of it but it doesn't ...sorry. I have been collecting vintage ornaments for years & then a few years ago, bought this white flocked tree so they would pop. I decided to make the ornaments not only the star of the show, but the whole show by loading the tree up w/ ornaments & leaving off all garland, bows, doo-dads & other accessories. Although this year, I did add the faux candles ...they add a little somthin' somthin' w/out taking away from the ornaments. I just love my tree!

And so do the grands! One of their favorite past-times is playing I Spy. Because almost all of the ornaments are one-of-a-kind, they spend hours standing in front of the tree, saying "I spy a bell" or "I spy a soldier".

Not all the ornaments are vintage though. My daughter started a tradition of giving me Old World Christmas ornaments on my birthday (Dec 19th) several years ago & many are from that line. I'm not going to take the time to comment on each ornament because I have posted a lot of pictures. Some are representative of members of the family...some are representative of Christmas memories....all are beloved.

Look how it's practically "dripping" w/ ornaments!

I think next year, I will put the tree in an urn & top off the urn w/ my overflow ornaments.

I leave the tags on the Old World ornaments as my daughter dates them w/ the year they were given to me. Plus each tag explains how that object became a Christmas tradition.

I found the pickle! A few years ago, we adopted the German tradtion of hiding a pickle ornament on the tree & then searching for it. The first one to find it gets a special "pickle surprise". Last year my granddaughter was only 2, so I gave her a headstart on finding the pickle.... showing her early in the day while the boys were in school & then asking them all "where's the pickle?" after school. She remembered exactly where it was & headed straight for it, prompting Connor to exclaim, "Honey you cheated!". So I had to give them all a special "pickle surprise". *grins* She isn't getting a headstart this year. ;o)

I also collect vintage tree toppers (of course!), they take turns on the tree & the rest I display elsewhere.

Check out this lovely luxurious green velvet skirt.

I bought it a thrift store about 10 years ago...somebody painstakingly quilted (by hand!) that lovely, lush & expensive velvet as backing for this! Polyester "oh so attractive" clashing shades of blue, green & brown. LOL Check out the brown & cream you it was once a leisure suit. I sometimes think about buying a new tree skirt...or making one out of vintage Christmas hankies. But then I think, "But if you don't give that poor, old ugly quilt a home under your tree then where will it go? What will become of it?"

The view in the mirror behind the tree. I know you are all wondering if the flocking makes a mess. And the answer is kinda sorta, not really. ;o) It ain't nothing compared to the mess of a live tree. I once swore that you would NEVER find an artificial tree in my house but all it takes is one grandkid born w/ allergies & asthma & that vow goes right out the window. I can't even use any real trimmings. *sigh*
I think we are going to start a rule in the family (Mom, I know you are reading this! ;o) ) that whoever (is it whoever or whomever?) hosts the big family get-together will have to have a fake tree. Every year that we celebrate @ either of my sisters' homes (who have live trees), Caeden gets sick & can't breathe for days. :o(

This is one of the photos from the mirror above. It's a picture of me (seven months pregnant w/ Clifton....the maternity wear sure was fashionable back then....NOT!) & my daughter, Shilah, decorating my grandmother's tree. I am the spitting image of Clifton in this photo! He's quite handsome so I'm not sure if I am sad or happy about that. ;o) He always teases me by saying, "You sure do make a handsome man, Mom!" *grins*
It gives off a lot of light at night...can't remember how many lights are on it (it's pre-lit...I'll never buy another tree that isn't) but it's probably due to the whiteness of it.

Tattered thrift store Santa, that every year, I plan on getting rid of & then don't have the heart. Besides, Caralyn talks to him as if he were real. *grins* She kneels in front of him & fusses w/ his beard & mustache, talking to him so softly that I can't hear. She's afraid of the "real" Santa, so maybe it's just as well I hold onto him for awhile. Course once she develops strong memories of him, I'll never be able to part w/ him!

Merry Christmas to all & to all a Good night!

Can't wait to see all the other posts this week. Come w/ me to Brett's to see too!


  1. Vinty I LOVE this post. Your tree is absolutely beautiful! I think its great to have your son look just like you (I mean, I have one who looks just like me and I think he's adorable ;) he he).

  2. I love your tree. I also spotted one of my all time favorite's Shiny Brite ornaments. I adore those! Old World is another favorite. I'm going to have to do a little shopping and add to my collection. I saw so many cool ornaments that you have on your tree that would look great on mine! lol!
    Merry Christmas!

  3. Your tree is beautiful and so much fun! I love all of the interesting ornaments. Did you flock it yourself? I am dying to do this but I was afraid it wouldn't come out right. Do tell me more about the flocking!

  4. WOW! Your tree is dripping with vintage fabulousness! I love it all and enjoyed the tour! ...beautiful! ~Rhonda :)

  5. Your tree looks lovely, but you sure have some precious memories tied up with it. Don't part with Santa....

  6. I love your tree! It's so sparkly and colorful!

  7. Love all the ornaments. You could never pick a favorite. I kept thinking this is my favorite, then I would go to the next one and think, this is my favorite and then scroll to the next one and... well, you get the idea! Love a flocked tree!

  8. What a unique tree...I love it! I love the flocked tree and your collection of ornaments is amazing! My favorite that I saw was the ribbon candy! My mother bought that every year...although most of it went uneaten, it was a pretty display in the candy dish!
    Merry Christams!

  9. Your tree is amazing....I love all your ornaments and have been looking for a pretty flocked have inspired me to look harder!

  10. Cami this is truly an amazing tree! I will never have a real tree or anything that isn't pre-lit again either. It saves so much time!
    I also happen to love that little vintage Santa! I think that he fits right in!


  11. Your tree is fabulous! The white flocking really sets off the lights and all the beautiful ornaments.

  12. Absolutely beautiful. I love all of your decorations. I am a vintage person myself so I remember when these vintage style decorations were new. Clifton - that's a good name. I like it. That is my hubby's name.
    About the virtual snow. I have it on my WordPress blog but couldn't figure out how to put it on Blogger. I wanted to put it on my Blogger blogs. I've seen it on Blogger blogs though so I know it can be done.

  13. Beautiful!!! But mostly I want to play in your flocking :) I love love love a flocked tree!

  14. I love your tree. with the snow. And the ornaments with special meaning, very nice. That pickle is funny, i might have to do that. mishelle

  15. Your tree is lovely... I especially love the vintage ornaments.. they stole my heart.puts me in more of a festive mood...hugs ~lynne~

  16. How beautiful your tree is and the ornaments are lovely!

  17. Thanks for the snow info. I put it on my blogs. It looks good on yours. I love snow even if it isn't real.

  18. I am in LOVE you TREE and VINTAGE ornaments! What an AMAZING collection!

  19. I love your "dripping" tree! So many beautiful ornaments, vintage and new. It is wonderful, and looks like I want my tree to look! I also noticed the wonderful vintage boxes under the tree. laurie

  20. Your tree is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen!
    And oh! That thriftstore Santa is adorable; I would never part with him!! Absolute charm!!

  21. I love that you have so many ornaments. They are gorgeous!

  22. LOVE the tree! Is flocking putting the snow on? Can you do it yourself or did you buy the tree that way? It is so beautiful. I think the white makes that bright red on the ornaments stand out so wonderfully....

  23. Cami,
    Your tree is exquisite! I think it's my favorite so far! Of course, I like things that tell a story and/or are old (shall we say 'vintage'?!). If you decide to get rid of the Santa, please, please let me know. I will take it off your hands; It will have a happy home with my vintage collection. Thanks for sharing your home with us!


  24. That is simply stunning...I love it all!!!!!! Cherry

  25. Everything looks beautiful!! I am brand spankin' new to blogging and I would love to know how you do the virtual snow on your pics.
    Merry Christmas!

  26. I love your Blog! I am marking it to come back after Christmas and look at again and again!
    Thanks for sharing...Paula from Idaho


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