Friday, December 26, 2008

My baby girl!

My little girl turns 30 today! I've never felt as old as I do right now. *grins*

Shilah has always been a very mature, "do right" kind of girl. She did not inherit her mother's rebellious streak, thank God! Although her timing of being born was a little inconvenient. It ain't easy having so many December birthdays! My birthday is the 19th, Shi's is the 26th & my son Dustin & my sister Bev, were both born on New Year's Eve. Things get especially hectic at my house during the holidays. Shilah was considerate though & had all her babies in the summer & fall months. ;o)

Here's me & my girl...just a few days after she was born. This was back in the day, before sonograms, when you didn't know the gender of the baby until they were born. I was so set on having a girl, that all baby clothes were pink, her room was pink, even the robe I wore at the hospital was pink. Good thing I got my wish, huh?

Her first Christmas (or birthday!)

Here she is singing my Mam-Maw, Happy Birthday @ her 80th birthday celebration.

Playing dress-up in her Gaga's stuff. Look at that hair! She used to love to tell people, "I have naturally curly hair!" Now she hates it. Go figure.

Clowning around w/ her Gaga (my beautiful mother) & her "little" brother Clifton.

She was always such a happy little girl . Wellllll not always, she could be temperamental. But she sure loved having her picture taken! Here she is w/ both her brothers, Clifton & Dustin.

Here she is as a teenager.

On her wedding day w/ Mom & I.

Last Thanksgiving. She's still the most beautiful girl I have ever seen!

And look at all the pretty babies she's produced!

I love you Shi! You're my daughter, my role model & my best friend. Happy Birthday!


  1. What a beautiful daughter...and wonderful photos of her. You did well raising her...and it shows!

  2. Happy Birthday to Shi! She shares a birthday with my baby Christopher who is 22 today!

  3. You have a beautiful family. "Happy Birthday" to your daughter.

  4. Oh my! Your daughter and her babies are certainly beautiful! What a lucky mama/grandma you are. I bet you have a ball with them all.

  5. Happy birthday to your lovely daughter! She looks a lot like you!

    Word verification game - make up a definition for the "word" that appears.

    phamp: phony champ, someone who pretends to have been an outstanding athlete in his younger days

  6. Your daughter is beautiful - AND she looks wonderful after producing 4 kids by age of 30. WOW! My pansy painting was delivered on Christmas Eve by my postman in a Santa hat! What fun and I love the picture. I'm going to post about it next week. Thanks!! Sally

  7. Happy Birthday to Shi! You have a beautiful daughter and beautiful grandchildren. laurie

  8. Your daughter is beautiful...Happy Birthday to her....

  9. When my daughter turned 30, I was the one who was depressed, hehehe. It just didn't seem possible.

    She just turned 31 and she is also the mom of four little ones. I wish she lived closer.

    Congrats to you and your daughter (since you were the one that did all the work thirty years ago). :)

  10. I hope your girl had a wonderful birthday! And also hope you and your family had a nice Christmas too! Happy New Year Blogging Buddy! ~Smiles~Tam!

  11. Happy birthday to your daughter, Cami! Mine is 28 and I know that her 30th birthday will be a big one for me, too. And such beautiful grandchildren! Happy New Year!...Debbie

  12. My oldest was 30 last March and my younger son turns 29 in the middle of January. Who made up this conspiracy of aging children anyway??? I'm sure you and I are as young as we ever were....if you dig deep enough! ;)

  13. Yes, they are the reason we go through Keller. It's on the way to Gatesville!! Hugs, Terrie

  14. what a super sweet post!

    thanks for stopping by my blog, you will LOVE the grapefruit brulee, the brown sugar sends me!

  15. My goodness, all I could think is "Oh, but she still looks so young!! ;) and YOU do! Happy birthday to your lovely daughter!


  16. Oh, Cami - she is just beautiful!! I loved looking at all the pictures of her throughout the years! Your grandchildren are so precious!! Happy New Year to you and yours, Cami!... Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

  17. Thanks for your comment. The photo is one I took a couple of years ago in the cemetery across the road. There was a thin ribbon of fog early in the morning, and the sunlight caught it, and it was so beautiful I just had to go out in my robe and pj's and take it!

    word verification
    pantzat: found your lost pants!

  18. Cami-- Thanks for stopping by. Check my post in the next day or so, and you can see the picture hanging. I'm so enjoying it!! Sally

  19. What a beautiful sweet post about your daughter....and she did give you Beautiful grand children....
    Thank you for the sweet comment about my Mika....she was a gift from my wonderful Son this past Mothers Day...Lucky me....she is sooooo sweet.....
    Happy Holidays,
    Mo :-)


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