Monday, June 9, 2008

It's Monday but it's Sharing the Wealth day

I spent the weekend @ my son's & his girlfriend's house, planting flowers for her birthday. I wore myself out (Texas heat is awful & we were hotter than normal this weekend) & never even thought about my blog or Sharing the Wealth Saturday. My son & I did it together & it was just like old times! He was always my gardening buddy but he's 27 & super-busy & it's been a long time since we worked a garden together. *sigh*

Anyway, I'll share garden graphics today since that's what I spent the weekend doing. This one is too sweet & very apropos! If I were to use it in a project, I'd probably edit the label's too bad it's there on the title.

remember that you can click on any image to enlarge, before saving to your computer

I'd also like to turn y'all on to a website I found a while back. She is extremely generous w/ her graphics, has it all organized & there's a vast assortment, as well. Go check it out but plan on spending some time there. Karen's Whimsy


  1. How sweet! Working the garden wity your child.... and being the nicest "mother-in-law" at the same time! You are giving love--and that is the best SHARING!


  2. Vinty, you're so nice it makes me ashamed of myself. ;o) I'd love to see pics of the birthday garden...

  3. Awww, I'm so glad that you got to garden with your buddy again. :)


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