Saturday, April 26, 2008

Share the wealth Saturday

I have an extensive collection of old photos & postcards, some are from my personal collection but most I have pilfered off the net so I thought it only fair that I share the wealth. ;o) I've decided to make every Saturday , Share The Wealth Day...I hope that you guys enjoy & that you put them to better use than I have. LOL Although in my defense, I do use them, just not as much as my collection should warrant.

I also have many websites in my favorites that offer free images...I 'll share those a little bit at a time every Sat. To start you off, there are a couple of blogs that I frequent that also share vintage graphics. The graphics fairy is the most generous...a free image every day! I have saved nearly all that they have shared & didn't keep track of where I got them, so some of my images will be repeats of theirs....sorry.

These blogs are more sporadic in their sharing but generous, none the less. (Amy, I stole your name of "sharing the wealth"...hope you don't mind!).

I think I will let my mood & my plans for the day dictate what images to share. Today, I'm going to watch my grandsons play baseball so a few old photos of boys playing baseball are appropriate, don't ya think?

This one must be an illustration by Norman Rockwell.

Have a great weekend!


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