I always consider a table a success when it is one that would go in my inspiration file if it weren't one of my own. And I think this one would. I really wanted to shake up the green theme & bring out the blue in the irish coffee mugs but I also wanted to use this pashmina shawl as a runner & I couldn't get blue accents to work w/ it. Now that I've done the shawl, maybe I'll do green w/ touches of blue, next year.
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Trout With Cream & Honey Sauce
Chop the almonds finely. Prepare the fish, wash and dry and thensoak in milk for 5-10 minutes. Toss in seasoned four. Melt half thebutter in the frying pan, and fry the fish for 5-7 minutes on eachside. Make the sauce by melting the rest of the butter, adding thechopped almonds. Saute for a few minutes. Then add the honey andlemon juice; bring carefully to simmering point, and add the creamlast, making sure the temperature is fairly low so it won't curdle.Pour over the fried fish, and serve garnished with lemon.

Thsi is Irish Bananas over angel food cake. http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Irish-Bananas/Detail.aspx?pos=1

As Alton would say..."those are good eats!"
Vinty, my friend Phyllis who hosts the CFY and EFY weekends would LOVE to have you setting our tablescapes for our weekends. You do an amazing job!