My first grandbaby has graduated from elementary school....I can't believe it! It seems like just yesterday that I was at his kindergarten graduation & here he is in middle school already. Before I know what's happened, he'll be graduating from high school. *sniff sniff*
I attended his graduation party yesterday (I haven't missed many school parties over the mother recently commented to me that my life hasn't changed much in 25 LUCKY am I?) & was able to steal enough time w/ him to shoot this short video. He really was happy about it although you can't tell by his attitude in the video...he's trying to play it cool for his friends. ;o) But once school was out & we were in the car, he played the videos I took over & over again.
I haven't had much time for blogging lately. With 2 grands in baseball & their teams going into the play-offs, it's a busy time for us. But Caeden's team lost in the 2nd game of the tournament this week & Connor's last game is tomorrow (the championship game! keep your fingers crossed for him!!!) so I should have more time soon. The baseball games are fun & I get to spend lots of time w/ the family but it sure eats up everybody's free time.
Hope everyone is staying cool & is doing well!